Final Fantasy XIV PVP


PSLS Level: Bronze
Have any of you tried it? It's pretty fun.

If you do below lvl 50 matches you don't have to have amazing gear. It helps but isn't required.

If you do lvl 50 matches... you better have good gear. I have the lvl 55 crafted PVP gear and OMG am I useless most of the time.

Basic strategies.

1. Don't go after the healer UNLESS you have a competent Warrior who can go after the healer. Their ability that reduces healing received by 20 percent is CRITICAL!
2. Don't go after the summoner's pet if you can't 2 or 3 shot it. That thing and a summoner can just wall you like crazy and then they can bring it back as if you did no damage to it.
3. GO AFTER THE RANGED. The ranged attacker is going to be sleeping people if they are a BLM, or interrupting your healer's casting.
4. Do your challenge log EVERY week if you are going to do PVP. That exp will really add up. Really helps you get higher ranks, which means better stats, and more PVP moves, whcih means more usefulness.
5. Don't use PVE gear unless you're ilvl 90 or higher. The boost from Morale on the PVP gear is damage plus, and damage reduction. PVP 70 or higher gear can not be replaced by current PVE gear.
6. If you run behind a pole while your healer is trying to heal you, your healer will get interrupted due to line of sight. Don't run behind shit if you need heals.

bare bare basics. It's a lot of fun IMO.
I'm only at level 29 :-(

Well then start a new character on Cactuar and we'll get you to 50 in no time! ;)

In regards to PVP, a few of my Company mates have tried it. They really enjoy it and say every match has the Healer being attacked. Apparently this is the unfailing first tactic for both parties. I imagine it then goes to ranged, melee, and tank. Haven't tried it myself. I'm too in love with the Crystal Tower and working on my Mythology and Soldiery gear. Currently trying to get my Relic weapon as well. But I imagine you Legacy players have done all that already. I also really want the complete Onion Knight set. Looks pretty awesome. And finally I am focusing on leveling a Warrior as well. Looks to be the tank that has the most fun.
Well then start a new character on Cactuar and we'll get you to 50 in no time! ;)

In regards to PVP, a few of my Company mates have tried it. They really enjoy it and say every match has the Healer being attacked. Apparently this is the unfailing first tactic for both parties. I imagine it then goes to ranged, melee, and tank. Haven't tried it myself. I'm too in love with the Crystal Tower and working on my Mythology and Soldiery gear. Currently trying to get my Relic weapon as well. But I imagine you Legacy players have done all that already. I also really want the complete Onion Knight set. Looks pretty awesome. And finally I am focusing on leveling a Warrior as well. Looks to be the tank that has the most fun.
If it's a scholar they tend to have a really hard time taking out the healer. The little fairy spams heals while the scholar spams heals.

If there's a WHM and a BLM, they can also sleep the enemies, and all sorts of stuff. It is a failing tactic in many scenarios. I don't know what has changed but it used to be that you'd ONLY blitz the healer if you had a warrior due to their ability to reduce the effectiveness of heals.
If it's a scholar they tend to have a really hard time taking out the healer. The little fairy spams heals while the scholar spams heals.

If there's a WHM and a BLM, they can also sleep the enemies, and all sorts of stuff. It is a failing tactic in many scenarios. I don't know what has changed but it used to be that you'd ONLY blitz the healer if you had a warrior due to their ability to reduce the effectiveness of heals.

Sounds like I'm taking my Warrior into PvP then.
Sounds like I'm taking my warrior into PvP then.
Basically if you have a good war and healer and a not incompetent team... you are probably going to win fairly often. I've had healers that never healed though. like WTF are they trying to boost their friends?
Basically if you have a good war and healer and a not incompetent team... you are probably going to win fairly often. I've had healers that never healed though. like WTF are they trying to boost their friends?

That is ridiculous. Ran Copperbell as my Marauder the other day leveling it up as my alternate job while a friend was leveling his Archer. Healer in there was a jackass because I called the bomb an "add." Said some nonsense about that not being very descriptive. To which I apologized saying I figured the DPS was intelligent enough to understand to not hit the only "add"itional enemy that appeared beside the slime. Guy kept going on throughout the dungeon threatening to not heal me. So we voted him out and ran the boss without a healer. Beat it no problem.

I notice Tanks, mostly, and Healers are increasingly becoming elitist assholes in the game. Something I am hoping to counter as a Warrior. There is just no need for such nonsense.

But as to your healer, I have no clue what was going on there.
That is ridiculous. Ran Copperbell as my Marauder the other day leveling it up as my alternate job while a friend was leveling his Archer. Healer in there was a jackass because I called the bomb an "add." Said some nonsense about that not being very descriptive. To which I apologized saying I figured the DPS was intelligent enough to understand to not hit the only "add"itional enemy that appeared beside the slime. Guy kept going on throughout the dungeon threatening to not heal me. So we voted him out and ran the boss without a healer. Beat it no problem.

I notice Tanks, mostly, and Healers are increasingly becoming elitist assholes in the game. Something I am hoping to counter as a Warrior. There is just no need for such nonsense.

But as to your healer, I have no clue what was going on there.

On Copperbell you are supposed to use the bombs to blow up the slimes. Our Tank wasn't explaining that very well and left, so I tanked all the way up to the boss on Scholar using Topaz Carbuncle.

Here is what I'm talking about as far as healing goes.

Granted most of these are Scholars, but they should be doing SOME healing and not relying on their pets. T_T

I'm wondering if any of those are trying to sabotage teams, in the hopes that their friend can get a win if they just suck as a healer or if they just actually suck.Makai Ookami Alicetor Lidell no healing.jpg Makai Ookami Mugen Kirito No Healing.jpg Makai Ookami Novus Cogito no healing.jpg Makai Ookami The Dan no healing.jpg
That is ridiculous. Ran Copperbell as my Marauder the other day leveling it up as my alternate job while a friend was leveling his Archer. Healer in there was a jackass because I called the bomb an "add." Said some nonsense about that not being very descriptive. To which I apologized saying I figured the DPS was intelligent enough to understand to not hit the only "add"itional enemy that appeared beside the slime. Guy kept going on throughout the dungeon threatening to not heal me. So we voted him out and ran the boss without a healer. Beat it no problem.

I notice Tanks, mostly, and Healers are increasingly becoming elitist assholes in the game. Something I am hoping to counter as a Warrior. There is just no need for such nonsense.

But as to your healer, I have no clue what was going on there.
Also if we queue up, you as a tank me as a healer, there's a chance we could group up for content. We just have to time it with Party Chat despite being on separate servers and hope for the best.
Also if we queue up, you as a tank me as a healer, there's a chance we could group up for content. We just have to time it with Party Chat despite being on separate servers and hope for the best.

Sounds good. Just hit 30 with my Marauder and totally forgot I need a 15 Gladiator for Warrior. So I'll be doing that tonight. Been on my alternate job lately because A. We need another Tank. B. Atma farming is killing my soul.

So when I max my Warrior I'll probably do some more PVP between Atma farming.
Sounds good. Just hit 30 with my Marauder and totally forgot I need a 15 Gladiator for Warrior. So I'll be doing that tonight. Been on my alternate job lately because A. We need another Tank. B. Atma farming is killing my soul.

So when I max my Warrior I'll probably do some more PVP between Atma farming.
Lvl 50 PVP is brutal. Those are the matches that take 15-20 minutes or 1:30 XD

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