How do you display/store your game collection and consoles (any cool picks of your collection)?


PSLS Level: Newbie
I used to have all my games on display with my DVDs on two big bookshelves. My friends were always impressed with my collection. Now that I'm in a smaller place I have all my games in CD/DVD binders, and the cases are in storage (I have an app that tracks my game collection, so I can flip through covers). My older cartridges are in storage too, but I'm trying to come up with a cool way to store my PSP UMDs.

As for my consoles, nothing special. I have my PS3 hooked up in the living room and my PS4 in the bedroom. I will switch the around when the PS4 gets 3D BluRay playback.
TV is on a TV stand in the game room. Opposite is a bookshelf with all games separated by console and alphabetized. I'll try to remember to take a pic tomorrow of my gaming setup and post it :)
Pardon the terrible image quality. Phone camera's pretty awful in low lighting, even with flash. >.O (Had to heavily edit the brightness just to get everything in it to be really visible.) ...Also, pardon the clutter. I need to clean my room one of these days... ^^;


The PS2's a "Fat Boy," and still in functioning condition, thankfully. (Had to crack it open to clean the lens once, a few years ago, though.) Upgraded to component cables sometime after getting an HDTV, although the upscaling for those is, sadly, limited to only select titles. (Makes a noticeable difference either way, though, compared to an RF adapter or composite cables.)

The Wii's one of the original models, with Gamecube support. Went sort of out of my way to get one, since they were already out of production by that point, and I got it waaaaay late. (Managed to nab one that was collecting dust in storage at a local Sears, though, haha.) ...Not that I really have any GC games to play on it, though, aside from Twilight Princess. (With no memory card, at that.) <.<; I'm considering upgrading to a Wii U, but we'll see... For the time being, I'm plenty content with it as is.

The PS3's a slim model (not the most recent version), and was originally a 160GB model, but I recently upgraded its HDD to 1TB. Pretty sure that will last me a while, hah.

The computer's a, uh... Cyberpower. AMD, Radeon, etc. Don't really feel like posting a full specs report for it. It's nothing amazing, but it's plenty sufficient for me. Let's me play pretty much any game I've tried so far, although I usually play on low- to mid-level graphics for most of the more modern/recent titles. I'm not anal about that, though. As long as I can play them, I'm happy. It took a little work to fix some little quirks in the default setup, but now it's functioning fine, with few to no hiccups. ...Oh, and as you can see here, I have it running on my TV, so there's that. ^^

Recently got a cheap little Logitech surround sound speaker setup, which I've got connected to the PS3 and computer. I don't have the hardware for "true" 5.1 surround sound, but whatevs. I've got speakers delivering sound all around, and that's all I wanted, so it works for me. (Might eventually get a sound card for my computer that'll support 5.1 channels, but it's not a priority.)

As for my games, I've currently got them in two locations.
PS3 and PS2 games are on the rack to the right side of the above image.
Wii and PSP games are stored in a drawer of my dresser.
Top: ps3, vita, ps4
Bottom: controller charger, Yamaha receiver, micca ep350 on top of a ps2
Other: 50" panasonic 3dtv, polk audio monitor 70 towers, klipsch center, onkyo rears
I will post a picture later.

I have the TV on the top, PS3 and PS4 on the middle and on my other room I have all the pile of games and all my collector's editions and figures and Pop! My PS2 is working ( at least the last time haha) secured on a box with explosives and everything ahaha. My Wii is not with me right now because my sister uses it at home from time to time and my Vita is at my room eating dust maybe until tomorrow for SS Delta and God of War Collection but I havent decided if I want the first now or later.
depends on what your definition of a "cool game" is.

Obviously, it was meant for whatever YOU think is a cool game.

I have my PS4, Wii U, PS2, Xbox, and N64 setup in my room. That is where all the PS, PS2, PS4, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, Blu-rays, and N64 games are as well. On a bookshelf, of course. Above them is a shelf that I regularly rotate collectible figures on. Though that is largely irrelevant.
Obviously, it was meant for whatever YOU think is a cool game.

I have my PS4, Wii U, PS2, Xbox, and N64 setup in my room. That is where all the PS, PS2, PS4, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, Blu-rays, and N64 games are as well. On a bookshelf, of course. Above them is a shelf that I regularly rotate collectible figures on. Though that is largely irrelevant.
Collectible figures are never irrelevant!!! :p
Rocking an Ikea cabinet with glass doors for my PS4, PS3, and Surround Sound system with the TV set on top (with plans to be mounted on the wall). Currently no space to display my game collection, it's looking like they are going to go on a bookshelf behind the door in the bedroom which is right next to our main room. I keep 5 or 6 games I am currently playing out by the TV.



Pictures suck but the cabinets are from Ikea. The top cabinets are full of DVDs while the two with glass doors have games and Blurays. On the top of the cabinets I have most of my collector figures and boxes. On the bottom cabinets I have my Red God of War 500GB PS3 Super Slim (Upgraded to 1TB), PS4 (Upgraded to 1TB), DirecTV box, surround sound receiver (1000 watt 7.1 Pioneer) and my TV is a 55" 3D LED Sony Bravia. :cool: My Modem and router are mounted on the wall behind my PS3.
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The picture is kinda dark, but the shelf on the left has several DVD binders for my games and DVDs. There are a few of my BluRays on the shelf too, but I'm moving so most of my BluRays have already been packed. Below the tv is my fat PS3 160 gb, upgraded to 1 tb. My xbox 360 is also connected, but I haven't played in ages. My fat PS2 and red Wii have also already been packed, but they usually have a space under the TV too. My TV is a 48" 3D LG LED (love it). My PS4 is in the bedroom, so I have something to play when my wife won't leave the living room, and My PSP 1000 and PSV are in docking cradles in the home office. When I move I want to build a custom shelf for my classic consoles.

Trying to figure out what the brown thing with the lights is behind the sacboy, also trying to guess what the lunch pale is... Im thinking Millennium Falcon?
The red box in the middle is a loot chest from the Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest Edition. The lunchbox is from the Fallout 3 Collector's Edition. The box on the far left is Pandora's Box from the God of War 3 Collector's Edition. :)



Pictures suck but the cabinets are from Ikea. The top cabinets are full of DVDs while the two with glass doors have games and Blurays. On the top of the cabinets I have most of my collector figures and boxes. On the bottom cabinets I have my Red God of War 500GB PS3 Super Slim (Upgraded to 1TB), PS4 (Upgraded to 1TB), DirecTV box, surround sound receiver (1000 watt 7.1 Pioneer) and my TV is a 55" 3D LED Sony Bravia. :cool: My Modem and router are mounted on the wall behind my PS3.
I remember when you set this up bro. Still love the look of it :)
I used to have all my games on display with my DVDs on two big bookshelves. My friends were always impressed with my collection. Now that I'm in a smaller place I have all my games in CD/DVD binders, and the cases are in storage (I have an app that tracks my game collection, so I can flip through covers). My older cartridges are in storage too, but I'm trying to come up with a cool way to store my PSP UMDs.

As for my consoles, nothing special. I have my PS3 hooked up in the living room and my PS4 in the bedroom. I will switch the around when the PS4 gets 3D BluRay playback.

As a game collector since the 8-bit era, I long ago realised that holding onto all my game boxes wasn’t feasible. Instead, I keep my collection in a variety of space-efficient storage solutions — my Amiga games reside in plastic disc containers, my PS2 games are in CD folders, my Xbox 360 games are in a DVD filing cabinet and so on. In addition to freeing up a lot of room, this translates to quicker access and arguably keeps them better protected. As an added bonus, this also gives you a perfect excuse to fob mates off when they ask to borrow your games.
Pictures suck but the cabinets are from Ikea. The top cabinets are full of DVDs while the two with glass doors have games and Blurays. On the top of the cabinets I have most of my collector figures and boxes. On the bottom cabinets I have my Red God of War 500GB PS3 Super Slim (Upgraded to 1TB), PS4 (Upgraded to 1TB), DirecTV box, surround sound receiver (1000 watt 7.1 Pioneer) and my TV is a 55" 3D LED Sony Bravia. :cool: My Modem and router are mounted on the wall behind my PS3.

Love all the Playstation characters up there! That's awesome!

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