PS4 Loud?


PSLS Level: Silver
Is anyone else's PS4 abnormally loud at times. Not sure if it is the fans, disc drive, combination of both. But mine can get crazy loud, especially during the initial moments of turning it on.
I like the startup sounds my PS4 makes. I like the way it spools up. Also it talks to me, letting me know what state it's in.
don't have a ps4 but when my ps3 got loud, I yelled at it and it got quiet again.
I didn't know the PS4 made any sounds besides the startup noise. :S

I'll listen a little bit more intently when I turn it on later.
I have heard mine a little at times.. Granted it is no where near 360, plane taking off, loud... but I still hear it.

Still can, from what I understand. I got my PS4 at launch and purchased the plan in February. It states "within 30 days of buying your PS4" on the PSN. However, I called support and they said it went through just fine and I have three years of protection from anything.

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