So then you hate Tale Tell Games having trophies. XD
Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, etc.
I don't hate story based trophies. I mean for 1 it tells someone how far you got into a game. I've checked to make sure someone has beaten a story chapter, before I go and start a discussion with them on the PSN about a game. I don't think you can get mad at someone for getting trophies on Dark Souls or Demon Souls for beating something. It's a very unforgiving series.
Is it really wrong for games to have trophies like Infamous did where you had to make 2 different decisions for all the trophies?
I think that every part of trophies, there are right ways to do it, and wrong ways to do it. On Tales of Graces F I like to know how many chapters in I am, and how many more i have. Plus sometimes the story related trophies are freaking hilarious.
What ever you do, don't put in a JRPG though. A lot of those trophies pop before you even start the game. XD Now you're getting rewarded for putting the game in and grabbing some food.