I think I've come to realize that you truly hate anything that Microsoft has to offer. There isn't one thing I've heard you say positive about them.
It's because they don't do anything right.
I like Windows 8 kinda... but I feel more secure on Linux and I like tinkering with the user interface.
I wanted to like the Xbox One. However they shouldn't have said "We can't just flip a switch and make the DRM go away" and then a week or 2 later they said "Well we turned off the DRM that requires always online."
They should have made it an option. You should be able to go into your settings and go "Turn on Always Online Mode" and then it could have given the game sharing feature they had. Hell why didn't they offer that feature for Digital Purchases? Why can't they offer the ability to sell or trade games like they said they were going to? All they had to do was give people the OPTION to play on the One like Microsoft intended.
Why couldn't they have made it to where if you buy a game for Windows 8 or the Xbox One you get it on the other platform? Then I could buy Elder Scrolls Online (on PC for example) and then if I get an Xbox One I can play it on there! Same with Rayman Legends. How about just saying "Oh if you pay $10 or $20 dollars more you can also have this game in your Xbox One library"
If they did stuff like that, they would be compelling, they would be new, they would be innovative. I was considering getting an Xbox One just for the game sharing thing. Because I knew you would add me to your friends list, and I could play Plants Versus Zombies, while you play Titanfall!
The reason why I hate Microsoft so much right now, is because for the past few years I've been defending the Windows 8 experience, and how there's going to be all this cross talk and cross pollonization and how cool things would be if my brother bought and Xbox One, and I bought one, and we didn't have to beg each other to buy a game, we could just share it with each other, and voice chat and BS without having to buy 2 copies. He's a casual gamer. He gave me his PSP for Christmas. That's how I got my first PSP. I was even considering getting a Windows Phone 8 phone.
Then the Xbox One can't be offline.
Then the DRM can't be shut off.
Buy a 360 if you have shitty internet (which a lot of people do around here and some of them don't have internet at all)
The physical game is useless you can't put it in another person's console and play, so you have to put your account on their system to play the game.
Then there's outcry and outrage, and I try to look on the bright side and hope that they do the right thing.
What did they do? They went from fresh innovative ideas to
"Well people aren't ready for all these cool new amazing things we were going to do, so we're going to do nothing cool and innovative and you guys will never know the true potential of the Xbox One."
So really? You're blaming us? I outlined the way that you could have compromised and met in the middle. You're a huge fucking company inno fucking vate!
Everything they do is a half measure and I'm tired of sticking up for them and trying to look at the good side. Microsoft's worst days are ahead of them, stock holders are pissed. Sony has cross-buy from PS3-4 why can't Microsoft?
Oh because they don't fucking care about you. You're just a cow to be milked. I'm tired of Corporate America at this point pete. It's more than just Microsoft I'm tired of the way Wal-Mart treats employees, the way Target treats employees, the way Republicans treat poor people, and women, I'm just fucking tired of greedy corporate fucking America polluting everything, not doing smart simple regulations, cutting back my wife's food stamps, blaming the bad economy on Democrats while they sit tehre and block unemployment, which means fewer customers which means fewer hours.
At this point I'm pissed at the American way. Maybe in 2 or 3 years I'll calm the fuck down, but right now there's nothing about America I like. I still can't afford health care even though Mitt Romney's Massachusettes health care plan was the basis for the Affordable Care Act and Republicans try and do everything they can to screw me out of affordable health care. I'm a tax payer damn it, I should be able to go see a doctor to find out if my ankle is going to heal so I can make enough money, so that maybe one day I will buy a Microsoft product on impulse again.
But nope. Instead i'm worried that my water will get contaminated because of lack of regulation, for January I was working 10 hours a fucking week.
So yes I'm bitter. I'm angry, I'm upset, and I look at my Sony products, and I get games I want on Plus, and I try to watch my money because gaming is all I have. I don't see happy smiles when I look at the Xbox One. I see too expensive, wife doesn't want it, and damn it, I can't afford both and I see no reason for me to get the One.
So yeah I'm pisssy lately. If they had that gamesharing thing, Pete I would be all smiles and chatting with you instead of ranting at you because I'd feel like gaming took a big step forward, and then maybe Sony would do the same thing, and then you could play my PS4 games and I wouldn't hate Microsoft so much. But telling the consumers "It's your fault the One isn't awesome like we planned" really was the last straw.