Rockband Coming To PS4 and Xbox One


PSLS Level: Silver
I seriously can't wait for this. I never understood why either Rockband or Guitar Hero stopped being made, they had to have made good money with both series. Will you get back into Rockband if Harmonix brings them to either new console?

*I won't fall into the moneysink, I won't fall into the moneysink!* Rockband and Guitar Hero stole way too much of my time, not to mention vast amounts of money. I don't think I can do it again...
*Sigh* Yes, I'll buy it.

I just hope they don't churn them out on a yearly cycle again. Releasing individual songs or packs are where they should concentrate on. Even having some sort of subscription would be something I think they should at least look into.

Edit: Also kinda hope to find a way other than using the large, cheaply made but still expensive plastic peripherals.
*Sigh* Yes, I'll buy it.

I just hope they don't churn them out on a yearly cycle again. Releasing individual songs or packs are where they should concentrate on. Even having some sort of subscription would be something I think they should at least look into.
I actually really like the subscription idea and the individual songs or song packs combined. It would allow for gamers to make a choice depending on what they prefer.
I'm fine with them bringing it back, but not any time soon and not as a yearly installment. If they could hold off for a year - year and a half, I'd be good with it. I'd much rather see a next gen Rocksmith with better DLC support but Rock Band is just a little more coop friendly.
I only really ever played the drums on these games because they felt the most realistic to me, but I'd definitely give it another go if they reboot the series.
The ONLY way I am joining this bandwagon again, is if I can plug in my real guitar. I am so tired of plastic pieces of garbage just taking up space. - which reminds me, I still need to throw away that damn drum set.
I would definitely buy Rock Band for PS4. I liked Guitar Hero, but it focused on the guitar only. Even Band Hero was very guitar-centric. Rock Band gave me that psuedo-band experience I was hoping for. And I loved those nights staying up late with friends while jammed away at that hours-long 85 song set. I want more intuitive and durable controllers with the option to plug in actual equipment if so desired. If I want to learn how to play an instrument, I'll go and do that. Otherwise, just give me something that provides the illusion that I am actually rocking out. It's about the experience for me, not the realism.
One thing I would like to say is how horrible I was on the drums. It was ridiculous. THen I had friends who could play on expert. *sigh*
I have faith that your next gen rock band drumming career will take off. All you need is a change of scenery to the newer consoles to get you on the right track.
I have actually broken drum sticks with Rock Band. Probably because I am huge, but the damn things snapped in my hands lol.
I'd be one of those. ;) Love me some drums.
I'm just so horrible at them. Probably haven't practiced enough though honestly. I've never actually owned Rock Band. Typically played the game at friends houses, and I usually drank some form of alcohol (which probably didn't help my skills either) :p
I'm just so horrible at them. Probably haven't practiced enough though honestly. I've never actually owned Rock Band. Typically played the game at friends houses, and I usually drank some form of alcohol (which probably didn't help my skills either) :p

Eh, back when I toked, we would smoke it up and play. Good stuff, good times. I did own it though and just about mastered those drums. Never could get a perfect song on them though.
I would probably try it. I remember that for one Christmas I asked for the big bundle that was available for Rock Band 2. I loved it so much. My family thought I was going crazy because of the high volume music and non stop rocking ahaha.

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