Don't Understand The Console Favoritism

Do you bash other consoles

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I get you and I think you make valid points. Really I don't find too much I straight out disagree with you on. They would be involved in some of the reasons that I don't have a 360 or a XB1. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't have the need to tell everyone why I haven't bought a certain console or dislike a certain company unless asked about it. If someone is enjoying a XB1 or 360 I'm not going to tell them why they shouldn't be because Microsoft does things I don't agree with. If someone is asking me which one I would choose, then I'd lay out my reasons. I'm more interested in just playing the games truthfully.
Well what reasons are there to buy an Xbox 1 or a 360?

That's kinda my general motives

They don't have the exclusives.
They scalp accessories
They make you void your warranty to bump up the hard drive
They blame you for features they promised not making it in because they were inflexible

I bash the systems now because I can't find reasons that they are good. What are they good for? Exercise? 360 had Cross Game Voice Chat and PS3 didnt' so that's something... Timed Exclusives that expire or have expired? The 3-5 exclusive series which are shooters and racers?

If someone could tell me what's so great about either system I would have had a 360. So I bash them because I can't find redeeming qualities. If people could do a good job telling me why the system is worth getting, I would have less to bitch about. T.V. functionality isn't gaming related. You can get a Chromecast or something for way cheaper.

Tales of Vesperia is about the only exclusive I can think of that matters.
R.Y.S.E. and a timed console exclusive on Titan Fall which can also be played on PC isn't enough. Neither is Garden Warfare as a timed exclusive.
Yeah, but as I've found out nobody looks at things quite the same. I don't particularly see the hype about Halo, I've played the first one and it just didn't grab me. Some people love it and think it is the best shooter out there. So Halo would be a reason to buy a console. I'd say a lot of my friends who had a 360 aren't the most eclectic gamers out there. So a handful of exclusives is all they really need in addition to some sports games. So if you aren't going after a lot of games it doesn't matter if there aren't many exclusives and probably not much need to upgrade hard drive.

I'd say the 360 had more of an image as a social console, and that was part of the temptation for me to get one. My friends had them, and if I wanted to play with them I'd have to get one. It never completely convinced me, but I could totally see that as a reason. Throw in the fact that the 360 was cheaper at first and I think you have a lot of the momentum right there, especially if you think of the social aspect connected with younger gamers. I think that changed once the PS3 dropped in price and more games were released for it, however even then if you were content with what you had you probably weren't looking to put down more money on another console. Another early temptation was that they had more RPGs however that was a very short lived reality.

That leads to the XB1, people get attached to certain series of games and have a hard time letting go. If you love Halo, the idea of a Next-Gen Halo would be awesome. Doesn't do much for me and it certainly doesn't seem to for you, but for some that's all they need. There are people out there that don't need an extensive laundry list of reasons to buy a console. You seem to be one who thinks rather meticulously over your console purchase, which tends to be my way of going about it too. However, I can't really find myself looking down on those who buy a console because they think the games are fun. That is what it is really about right?
Yeah, but as I've found out nobody looks at things quite the same. I don't particularly see the hype about Halo, I've played the first one and it just didn't grab me. Some people love it and think it is the best shooter out there. So Halo would be a reason to buy a console. I'd say a lot of my friends who had a 360 aren't the most eclectic gamers out there. So a handful of exclusives is all they really need in addition to some sports games. So if you aren't going after a lot of games it doesn't matter if there aren't many exclusives and probably not much need to upgrade hard drive.

I'd say the 360 had more of an image as a social console, and that was part of the temptation for me to get one. My friends had them, and if I wanted to play with them I'd have to get one. It never completely convinced me, but I could totally see that as a reason. Throw in the fact that the 360 was cheaper at first and I think you have a lot of the momentum right there, especially if you think of the social aspect connected with younger gamers. I think that changed once the PS3 dropped in price and more games were released for it, however even then if you were content with what you had you probably weren't looking to put down more money on another console. Another early temptation was that they had more RPGs however that was a very short lived reality.

That leads to the XB1, people get attached to certain series of games and have a hard time letting go. If you love Halo, the idea of a Next-Gen Halo would be awesome. Doesn't do much for me and it certainly doesn't seem to for you, but for some that's all they need. There are people out there that don't need an extensive laundry list of reasons to buy a console. You seem to be one who thinks rather meticulously over your console purchase, which tends to be my way of going about it too. However, I can't really find myself looking down on those who buy a console because they think the games are fun. That is what it is really about right?
Very well said. It's all about having fun and playing the games that you enjoy personally. :)
Yeah, but as I've found out nobody looks at things quite the same. I don't particularly see the hype about Halo, I've played the first one and it just didn't grab me. Some people love it and think it is the best shooter out there. So Halo would be a reason to buy a console. I'd say a lot of my friends who had a 360 aren't the most eclectic gamers out there. So a handful of exclusives is all they really need in addition to some sports games. So if you aren't going after a lot of games it doesn't matter if there aren't many exclusives and probably not much need to upgrade hard drive.

I'd say the 360 had more of an image as a social console, and that was part of the temptation for me to get one. My friends had them, and if I wanted to play with them I'd have to get one. It never completely convinced me, but I could totally see that as a reason. Throw in the fact that the 360 was cheaper at first and I think you have a lot of the momentum right there, especially if you think of the social aspect connected with younger gamers. I think that changed once the PS3 dropped in price and more games were released for it, however even then if you were content with what you had you probably weren't looking to put down more money on another console. Another early temptation was that they had more RPGs however that was a very short lived reality.

That leads to the XB1, people get attached to certain series of games and have a hard time letting go. If you love Halo, the idea of a Next-Gen Halo would be awesome. Doesn't do much for me and it certainly doesn't seem to for you, but for some that's all they need. There are people out there that don't need an extensive laundry list of reasons to buy a console. You seem to be one who thinks rather meticulously over your console purchase, which tends to be my way of going about it too. However, I can't really find myself looking down on those who buy a console because they think the games are fun. That is what it is really about right?
It's not looking down on them I'm just worried people are going to miss out on a lit this gen and I don't like people regretting such a big purchase
Yeah, but as I've found out nobody looks at things quite the same. I don't particularly see the hype about Halo, I've played the first one and it just didn't grab me. Some people love it and think it is the best shooter out there. So Halo would be a reason to buy a console. I'd say a lot of my friends who had a 360 aren't the most eclectic gamers out there. So a handful of exclusives is all they really need in addition to some sports games. So if you aren't going after a lot of games it doesn't matter if there aren't many exclusives and probably not much need to upgrade hard drive.

Yup that first paragraph right there, every 360 owner i know just plays pretty much the same games, most FPSs, they have Call of duty, NBA 2k, fifa and maybe gears, halo or borderlands, but i haven't seen much other variance. Tho I love halo i don't think its a system seller, only for the reason I'd want to play it online, but need Live for that. So while i have a 360 and halo lying around, I don't play it at all cause i only feel like playing once in a blue moon and that doesn't justify the subscription for it.
It's not looking down on them I'm just worried people are going to miss out on a lit this gen and I don't like people regretting such a big purchase

Yeah, after posting I did think that was poor word choice, I wasn't really trying to say you were looking down on them. Maybe it'd be better to say that I can't really find myself wanting to tell them they made a poor purchase because they like the games on a 360 or XB1. I'm not too worried about others though. Ones that want to look into a wider variety of games will and can find a fairly varied line-up on Microsoft's consoles (after all a lot of games are multi-platform these days) and if it isn't enough they'll look into Sony or Nintendo. Ones who are perfectly content with the limited amount of games they like aren't going to be feeling like they missed out at all.
I'm still totally thinking about buying an Xbox One because I like to yell at my tv that I never watch. I think it would be fun to see what it does. :-D

I'm a sucker for gimmicks.
Oh I know. And I defended Sony then too. I just don't really care for bashing a console. I guess I like the Xbox brand more than most because I don't game that much on PC. I'm just for if you don't care for a console and don't even own it then don't bitch about it. Most people that complained on Sony didn't own the PS3. Just like most hating on Microsoft now don't own an Xbox One or 360.
Right but just because I don't own a console doesn't mean I can't have an opinion be it positive or negative on that system.

I owned a 360 for years, but for the past year or 2 it sat around collecting dust. I gave it to my brother because his broke (this will be his third 360).

I don't go out of my way to bash the Xbox one, heck, what I say about it isn't really bashing.

It just seems to me that a lot of Xbox exclusives are a lot of style but not so much on the substance. I found Gears to be a bit boring in the campaign particularly. Halo imo is their best franchise, but they need more than that to rope me in. Fable 3 was such a letdown. Just because I am critical of something doesn't mean I am a fanboy or bashing it? One of your negatives was Sony charging for online. However what you fail to bring up is the added value of PS+. Even back when it first came out I got a decent value out of it. Now I'm set until 2017 with the black Friday and other sales. Games for Gold or whatever it was called has paled drastically in comparison. Another thing not mentioned is the fact that things like twitch, netflix, etc, even KZ's multiplayer trial were not behind a PS+ wall. If you look at the two online services it's easy to see where the value is.

All I can do is call it as I see it. And from what I see right now I don't see a point in owning an Xbox One yet. Could that change? Possibly. But they need great games that I can't play on a better spec PC. If I had na Xbox One there's a decent chance I'd buy Titanfall on it, but it's not a gateway game if you will since I have it on PC already. Compare that to Infamous Second Son which is only on PS4 and is looking awesome and it's an easy call if you have a good PC.

If someone asks me what I think about it or mentions it I'll give my opinion, but I don't go out of my way to state it.

As for the broader question at hand as why do fanboys blindly bash it? They think anything good for another system hurts theirs.

As for why all the positive press as of late let's look at the bigger picture as of late. PS4 is $100 less and by most accounts more powerful than the Xbox One. That's a big plus there. But where I think the real difference comes is in the messaging. Last year's E3 was a debacle for MS. From the conference to the "military can buy a 360" to their PR making things clear as mud to the 180 and then the still inconsistent messaging til launch.

Sony on the other hand was very clear. It also helps Sony a lot that they have guys like Jack Tretton. The guy is so charismatic. He always comes off so genuine. To me as far as a showman goes it's tough for anyone from MS to compete with that. And while showmen aren't the end all be all, they help with the masses. I just hope someone as good can step into Jack's place because I think really lost a huge player when he stepped down.
Right but just because I don't own a console doesn't mean I can't have an opinion be it positive or negative on that system.

I owned a 360 for years, but for the past year or 2 it sat around collecting dust. I gave it to my brother because his broke (this will be his third 360).

I don't go out of my way to bash the Xbox one, heck, what I say about it isn't really bashing.

It just seems to me that a lot of Xbox exclusives are a lot of style but not so much on the substance. I found Gears to be a bit boring in the campaign particularly. Halo imo is their best franchise, but they need more than that to rope me in. Fable 3 was such a letdown. Just because I am critical of something doesn't mean I am a fanboy or bashing it? One of your negatives was Sony charging for online. However what you fail to bring up is the added value of PS+. Even back when it first came out I got a decent value out of it. Now I'm set until 2017 with the black Friday and other sales. Games for Gold or whatever it was called has paled drastically in comparison. Another thing not mentioned is the fact that things like twitch, netflix, etc, even KZ's multiplayer trial were not behind a PS+ wall. If you look at the two online services it's easy to see where the value is.

All I can do is call it as I see it. And from what I see right now I don't see a point in owning an Xbox One yet. Could that change? Possibly. But they need great games that I can't play on a better spec PC. If I had na Xbox One there's a decent chance I'd buy Titanfall on it, but it's not a gateway game if you will since I have it on PC already. Compare that to Infamous Second Son which is only on PS4 and is looking awesome and it's an easy call if you have a good PC.

If someone asks me what I think about it or mentions it I'll give my opinion, but I don't go out of my way to state it.

As for the broader question at hand as why do fanboys blindly bash it? They think anything good for another system hurts theirs.

As for why all the positive press as of late let's look at the bigger picture as of late. PS4 is $100 less and by most accounts more powerful than the Xbox One. That's a big plus there. But where I think the real difference comes is in the messaging. Last year's E3 was a debacle for MS. From the conference to the "military can buy a 360" to their PR making things clear as mud to the 180 and then the still inconsistent messaging til launch.

Sony on the other hand was very clear. It also helps Sony a lot that they have guys like Jack Tretton. The guy is so charismatic. He always comes off so genuine. To me as far as a showman goes it's tough for anyone from MS to compete with that. And while showmen aren't the end all be all, they help with the masses. I just hope someone as good can step into Jack's place because I think really lost a huge player when he stepped down.

This sums up how I feel about this subject perfectly. :)
My bashing of the Xbox one is because Microsoft doesn't do right by anyone. They don't develop enough hq exclusives, they throw money at devs for times exclusivith, they screwed over Rare, casuals are milked, Kinect seems to only be an exercising revolution and they talked down to their customers while overestimating American infrastructure. So am I wrong to bash it?

Tell me what they are doing right. I don't bash the Wii U because I eventually want it. Why do I want a One. Why should anyone other than people aspiring to lose weight AND play like the same half a dozen series every year.

Again not attacking people who have one I just don't get why.

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