I'm sorry, but there is just too much text to read in this thread.... lol
First, responding to @
BigPete7978 's first post:
PS+ still isn't required for PS3 or Vita for online play. Even on the PS4, it's not every game, and unlike Live, it isn't required for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. Also, PS+'s free games and discounts blow away XBL Arcade and Games for Gold.
Microsoft including Kinect because it's part of the experience is fine, but people obviously aren't willing to pay the extra price FOR that experience. Sony didn't want to force peripherals onto their customers because they knew if there was an experience to be had, people would buy the camera. The problem is, the Kinect doesn't really do much yet, and the PS4 Camera doesn't either. The features are limited and games hardly utilize them, so for me, Sony gave me the option to skip it (which also affected the selling price).
Sony's first party exclusives are great IMO. They're expected and usually of decent quality. I find it similar to Nintendo. But 6 GOW games (2 being on the PS2 and 2 being on the PS3 and 2 being on the PSP/Vita) isn't milking the franchise IMO. It's no different than any major Platform exclusive (like Zelda or Mario). The difference between that and Halo is that there were 7 Halo games this past generation alone, not including the hugely popular Halo: CE and Halo 2 on the original Xbox (9 titles total). And while not all of them were core titles, the in-betweens, prequels, spinoffs, etc weren't all that good and watered down the series. I have no real problem with any other series on either platform (as long as they're good).
For my points:
Xbox Exclusives are usually available for PC too. Titanfall being the most obvious example. While it's nice to play games on a console (I love my WiiU and PS4), I also enjoy playing games on my Mac/PC and find access to nearly every game available.
Another major frustration I have with the Xbox is the storage. Using proprietary storage was a serious flaw, and the PS3/PS4 using standard HDD made it the clear winner. Also, things like Wifi and HDMI included in every PS3 model, the price difference of the PS3 and the X360 was totally reasonable. You had a standardized set of specs throughout the entire generation. Every model had HDMI, Wifi, HDD, and bluray. It made it easy for everyone to know what they were getting.
My biggest frustration with Microsoft last gen was the restrictions they put on publishers/devs for multiplatform games. Pub/Devs weren't allowed to have higher quality textures or more data - like bigger maps or higher poly counts - on the PS3's blu-ray, or else MS wouldn't license the game as an Xbox title. That was the sort of stuff that limited the PS3's potential to be the clear winner last gen, and since they can't claim that now (with both current gen platforms using BD), the quality difference is apparent. Multiplatform games are showing up as higher resolutions on the PS4 because of the horsepower (making the higher-qulaity assets shine). That was the major sticking point for me on hating the Xbox. Games like The Last Of Us just aren't possible on the 360, and without the restrictions that MS put on the devs, most PS3 versions of games could have really pushed the limits and make the 360 look like crap. MS came off as a bully last gen, and they're came off as smug the start of this gen. They just aren't worth support IMO.