Don't Understand The Console Favoritism

Do you bash other consoles

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Oh and Bigpete I do think it's fair to say that Microsoft dropped support on the Xbox too quickly, and instead they jumped to the next generation before they had a product worth shipping (thus all the Red Rings on the first gen or 2) and forced Sony to release earlier than they wanted to, which caused huge problems for both consoles. Now you can't play the new AAA games on the 360 without at least a USB thumb drive to install them on if you don't want to drop over $100 dollars on the bigger capacity hard drives they charge an arm and a leg for. Do you really think that this is an unfair argument? Released too soon, dropped Xbox support way too quickly and thus both companies released unfinished products... That's not fair to say?
@Chandler Wood the controllers felt familiar and innovative (don't tell me you didn't like Flow the first time you played it; that Sixaxis shit was top notch!), and the 5 or 6 games were more appealing to me.

I spent hours and hours playing Heavenly Sword using the Sixaxis to see how many nut shots or head shots I could get on a mini game where you're supposed to dodge the soldiers. Man we had way too much fun and way too many laughs at that part.

I did like 100 hours of High Velocity Bowling and even made a few Youtube videos on it.

However my first Sixaxis game was the Demo to Super Rub a Dub. That was my Flow! I beat the demo a couple times, but I didn't buy it because I was worried everyone would make fun of me for having a rubber ducky game on my console no matter how unique it felt at the time.

The wobbly controller on the first Uncharted I liked. Really just because it kept me more engaged with the game. I was less likely to zone out.

I've never technically paid for PS Plus. I mean I am a subscriber, but every year when they give us new titles at E3 I've always been able to sell or trade the games we're getting for free (my physical copies) for at least enough for PS Plus for the year and I got a year during Black Friday for $22 and so last year's is still covering it. Wish I had more money at that moment would have bought 2 years.
I guess my real answer to the poll is that I just play games.

Can I bash consoles for hours? Yes. Sony just has the stuff that appeals to me most.
I guess my real answer to the poll is that I just play games.

Can I bash consoles for hours? Yes. Sony just has the stuff that appeals to me most.
My bashing has gone a bit overboard because I've gotten tired of being called a Sony Fanboy just because I don't own a 360 and then they negate the rest of my arguments.

I own a 3DS, I own a Wii, I'll own a Wii U eventually, I play on PC more last year than I played on PS3, until I got Diablo 3 on PS3 and now that FFXIV is on PS3, and it runs better on my PS3 than my PC I'm excited to run it on the PS4 with twitch streaming, and there's games I like getting released every month on the PS4, and I've been "buying" them on the PC store hoping that they'll transfer over to the PS4 if not I'm missing out on some good free games.

Then I look at the 360 and the One and there's nothing there to excite me, there's no urgency, there's no games I own on PC or could buy on the 360 that would transfer over to the One, there's no free games for the Xbox One with the $60.00 a year Gold, if I buy a 360 we can't watch Netflix on it without a Gold subscription.

My wife has even gone so far as to ban the console because she has no interest in it either and she's not even a gamer. She plays Borderlands, and Bomberman and watches Netflix and Hulu Plus.

Money is so tight I cancelled Amazon Prime so that I could get Dark Souls 2.

Short of getting one for free what incentive could I even possibly have for wanting either an Xbox 360 or a One other than Tales of Vesperia?
Well think about it this way Joseph. Sony came out with the PS4 and really catered to gamers and said all the right things about how gamers were important. Microsoft came out with the Xbone and basically stuck up their middle fingers to gamers everywhere. So right there, it is easy to see how recently people are viewing Sony as a nice company and Microsoft as a bunch of money hungry jerks.

Also, I do think Microsoft as a company has always been a bit more aggressive in blatantly screwing you out of your money. I mean, the 360 had like 38 different peripherals to buy, from overpriced HDDs to a damn wifi connection. Yes Sony is after your money and they do some things that are clearly done to take your money, but I don't think they have been as blatant about it.

@BigPete7978 you arguement about Sony having a Camera as well holds no water because Sony does NOT force you to buy the camera with the console. Microsoft however does and that is why they get bashed over it and Sony doesn't.

I couldn't agree more with your post, this is totally how I view the situation. The way Microsoft appears to me, as a gamer, is that they're only in this business after the money and they show it without any discretion . They struggle to show that "love" for games, you're in this business with passion first, for instance indies developers complain numerous time on how they got badly treated or despised.

Well Sony is after the money too, people like Jack Tretton used to say that they would do anything to please the end consumer (gamer) but this is a business and they had to charge stuff [ I think he was explaining the reason behind the paid online on ps4], and the way they suit developers according to their needs to make games.

Anyway, true that we tend to forget it's all about games and not a favorite platform, but brand image matters and right now Sony is pleasing everyone! to gamers as much as to developers (parents too with that price-tag).

To be honest I may purchase an Xbox One if it gets cheaper and if they have compelling exclusives, right now everything they got seem too generic to me.
My bashing has gone a bit overboard because I've gotten tired of being called a Sony Fanboy just because I don't own a 360 and then they negate the rest of my arguments.
My reply was very broadly intended, not for you personally. :-D

I agree with many of the points you illustrated, but the platforms that we all choose are totally about preference.

Nintendo has some excellent franchises to flood their lineup; I've never played a bad Zelda game, Mario is typically fun, and Pokemon games fill a niche that has only been overshadowed by Ni No Kuni (in my opinion, anyway). They're just not appealing enough for me to buy a Wii U.

Microsoft's exclusives, sadly, are primarily games that don't interest me. Are they bad games? I don't think so. The ones that I've played are good for what they are. I can use reasoning to determine whether a game is good or not, even if I don't like it. The problem is that those games aren't for me.
Well I can see your point, I also have a few issue's. I think it's ok to complain about things you do not like, just because I say I think MS buisness practices seem shady doesn't make me a fanboy. We all have our own opinion, and are aloud to voice it. Now I don't like when your opinion on a product also includes you bashing another person. I believe when the talk turns hateful towards fans of a product you don't like, that's when the problem begins.

So yes I like Sony, are they perfect hell know, but just because I complain about all the bullshit MS pulled with the XBone, doesn't make me a fanboy. It makes me an informed consumer. I'll never bash someone else for b liking what they like, but allow me to voice my opinion whether it's negative or positive.

Also, Pete Sony gets plenty of hate, sure it's less now, but at beginning of last gen it was bad. Sony has done plenty to trt and fix that, while MS decided to take the Sonyroute, so yea your going to hear the hate more. not to mention, your on a Sony site, so you probably talk to more Sony fan's, so I'm not surprIsed aboutWhat you're hearing. :-)
I really only played Xbox for Halo, which i'd definitely go back too, but FUCK live. I don't think I've played too many shooters on the ps3, personally i think the Xbox controller is better for shooters (I have big hands so its comfy) but once i started playing FPS's on PC, its almost impossible to go back. Intresting enough, all my friends own 3DS's and i'm the only one with a vita. They tell me to get one, but ehhh, i don't really see a reason. Tho I'm thinking about getting a wii, or wiiu soon cause i REALLY want to play through metroid prime 1-3 again.
Well I can see your point, I also have a few issue's. I think it's ok to complain about things you do not like, just because I say I think MS buisness practices seem shady doesn't make me a fanboy. We all have our own opinion, and are aloud to voice it. Now I don't like when your opinion on a product also includes you bashing another person. I believe when the talk turns hateful towards fans of a product you don't like, that's when the problem begins.

So yes I like Sony, are they perfect hell know, but just because I complain about all the bullshit MS pulled with the XBone, doesn't make me a fanboy. It makes me an informed consumer. I'll never bash someone else for b liking what they like, but allow me to voice my opinion whether it's negative or positive.

Also, Pete Sony gets plenty of hate, sure it's less now, but at beginning of last gen it was bad. Sony has done plenty to trt and fix that, while MS decided to take the Sonyroute, so yea your going to hear the hate more. not to mention, your on a Sony site, so you probably talk to more Sony fan's, so I'm not surprIsed aboutWhat you're hearing. :)
Oh I know. And I defended Sony then too. I just don't really care for bashing a console. I guess I like the Xbox brand more than most because I don't game that much on PC. I'm just for if you don't care for a console and don't even own it then don't bitch about it. Most people that complained on Sony didn't own the PS3. Just like most hating on Microsoft now don't own an Xbox One or 360.
Oh I know. And I defended Sony then too. I just don't really care for bashing a console. I guess I like the Xbox brand more than most because I don't game that much on PC. I'm just for if you don't care for a console and don't even own it then don't bitch about it. Most people that complained on Sony didn't own the PS3. Just like most hating on Microsoft now don't own an Xbox One or 360.

Nor will I own one. But I have played Killer Instinct, Forza, Dead Rising 3, and Ryse extensively. Well, maybe not Dead Rising. I just couldn't let it snag me when I don't own the console it is on. But I have experienced first hand what the One has to offer. And you can color me completely unimpressed. And, again, Microsoft's general shady practices I will never forgive.
I agree with you to some extent Makai, however I don't blame Microsoft and the 360 for anything on the PlayStation 3 side of things.

Me personally, I just hate Microsoft as a company and I think they are more aggressively money hungry than Sony is. Everyone is after money, yet Sony does a better job of hiding that fact and actually looking like they care for gamers. It is funny thought to see how Microsoft and Sony have kind of switched places from the days of the 360/PS3. In those days, Microsoft was about the games and Sony was having a hard time defining just what they were, a gaming console or a media console. Now look at the PS4 and Xbone and it has reversed. The PS4 is all about the games and the Xbone is having trouble defining it's focus, which right now I would say is on the social and media capabilities over the games, but it is early.

In the end, I am a huge fanboy, I think Sony brings forth the best product. However, I also like some of the things Microsoft does with the Xbox and I guess Nintendo does something right, though I am not 100% sure what the hell it is.
Oh I know. And I defended Sony then too. I just don't really care for bashing a console. I guess I like the Xbox brand more than most because I don't game that much on PC. I'm just for if you don't care for a console and don't even own it then don't bitch about it. Most people that complained on Sony didn't own the PS3. Just like most hating on Microsoft now don't own an Xbox One or 360.
When you release a product that has over priced hard drives that eventually become dang near necessary to play the games people buy these consoles to play, Halo, GTA V, CoD Ghosts, and they hurt games like Final Fantasy XIII because there just isn't enough capacity on the discs to release the game, then everything other than off line gaming and Final Fantasy 11 costs you a subscription fee, while the other company doesn't charge you for most features, charges you less, AND gives you free games...

Then they release the Xbox One and you have to void the warranty to replace the hard drive and take the system apart risking breaking it to put in a new hard drive. Couldnt' they have just put in a 1TB to start with if they were going to make it that hard? They blame the consumer for why the system isn't more awesome, they want to make the console highly dependent on internet bandwidth in a country where the infrastructure is failing, and a lot of people don't have internet, because they are either in college, or they are out in the middle of nowhere, or they are deployed overseas, yet you want them to have internet connection to make up for the lack of performance in the box WHILE charging more money for it and hoping internet will let you make up the difference?

I mean at what point am I supposed to respect these decisions and anti-consumer behaviors? When I think of a PS4 I think of the games I have already, the games I'm getting for free every month, and streaming my gaming and all the exclusives I'll be able to play.

When I think of the Xbox 360 or the Xbox One I'm concerned about how much it'll cost, and whether or not Microsoft is MAKING good games, or just throwing gobs of money at developers to release it exclusively on another platform.

Is there ever a point of the Xbox console flipping me the bird that you would see me as justified? I don't have a problem with you playing the Xbox One, 1 year ago I was excited about playing games on it with you before they screwed the pooch on the digital sharing stuff and then blamed us for their inflexibility.
Well I can see your point, I also have a few issue's. I think it's ok to complain about things you do not like, just because I say I think MS buisness practices seem shady doesn't make me a fanboy. We all have our own opinion, and are aloud to voice it. Now I don't like when your opinion on a product also includes you bashing another person. I believe when the talk turns hateful towards fans of a product you don't like, that's when the problem begins.

So yes I like Sony, are they perfect hell know, but just because I complain about all the bullshit MS pulled with the XBone, doesn't make me a fanboy. It makes me an informed consumer. I'll never bash someone else for b liking what they like, but allow me to voice my opinion whether it's negative or positive.

Also, Pete Sony gets plenty of hate, sure it's less now, but at beginning of last gen it was bad. Sony has done plenty to trt and fix that, while MS decided to take the Sonyroute, so yea your going to hear the hate more. not to mention, your on a Sony site, so you probably talk to more Sony fan's, so I'm not surprIsed aboutWhat you're hearing. :)
I don't think I ever really bashed anyone though in any of my rants. I bashed Microsoft plenty. Microsoft was the one bashing their customer base over and over again and abandoned every innovative idea they were setting up.

When people are buying Xbox Ones and they are mom's I don't say "oh don't buy that" I say "Hey do you like Workout Videos? Well that system you're about to buy has an interesting feature where the camera will keep track of your body movements while you stream work out videos for free I think with Xbox Live Gold, and it scores you on how well you did. So it's kind of a way to get a bit more interactivity out of those video work outs. Might give it a try sometime, so that you can enjoy the system too"

So I view myself as completely fair. No one has explained why my criticisms are unfair. We all agree that maybe they're abit over board, yes I understand I'm a bit hyperbolic, but that's because every time I have defended Windows Phone, Windows 8, or Xbox One, Microsoft has undermined that. I tell people you don't need a start menu, hit the windows key and type, and your apps come up. The metro tile interface IS your start menu.

I've tried, I got tired of trying. Microsoft wants to really fuck up their stock prices. I'm going to let them. I'm not a dick. When people say they bought an Xbox One, and didn't know it couldn't play Xbox 360 titles I don't say "Oh well you're a dumbass" I say "Oh yeah, that's a bummer. Did you know that some games you can do a digital upgrade for them for about $10? Maybe check through your game cases and see if you can upgrade any copies!"
I'm sorry, but there is just too much text to read in this thread.... lol

First, responding to @BigPete7978 's first post:

PS+ still isn't required for PS3 or Vita for online play. Even on the PS4, it's not every game, and unlike Live, it isn't required for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. Also, PS+'s free games and discounts blow away XBL Arcade and Games for Gold.

Microsoft including Kinect because it's part of the experience is fine, but people obviously aren't willing to pay the extra price FOR that experience. Sony didn't want to force peripherals onto their customers because they knew if there was an experience to be had, people would buy the camera. The problem is, the Kinect doesn't really do much yet, and the PS4 Camera doesn't either. The features are limited and games hardly utilize them, so for me, Sony gave me the option to skip it (which also affected the selling price).

Sony's first party exclusives are great IMO. They're expected and usually of decent quality. I find it similar to Nintendo. But 6 GOW games (2 being on the PS2 and 2 being on the PS3 and 2 being on the PSP/Vita) isn't milking the franchise IMO. It's no different than any major Platform exclusive (like Zelda or Mario). The difference between that and Halo is that there were 7 Halo games this past generation alone, not including the hugely popular Halo: CE and Halo 2 on the original Xbox (9 titles total). And while not all of them were core titles, the in-betweens, prequels, spinoffs, etc weren't all that good and watered down the series. I have no real problem with any other series on either platform (as long as they're good).

For my points:

Xbox Exclusives are usually available for PC too. Titanfall being the most obvious example. While it's nice to play games on a console (I love my WiiU and PS4), I also enjoy playing games on my Mac/PC and find access to nearly every game available.

Another major frustration I have with the Xbox is the storage. Using proprietary storage was a serious flaw, and the PS3/PS4 using standard HDD made it the clear winner. Also, things like Wifi and HDMI included in every PS3 model, the price difference of the PS3 and the X360 was totally reasonable. You had a standardized set of specs throughout the entire generation. Every model had HDMI, Wifi, HDD, and bluray. It made it easy for everyone to know what they were getting.

My biggest frustration with Microsoft last gen was the restrictions they put on publishers/devs for multiplatform games. Pub/Devs weren't allowed to have higher quality textures or more data - like bigger maps or higher poly counts - on the PS3's blu-ray, or else MS wouldn't license the game as an Xbox title. That was the sort of stuff that limited the PS3's potential to be the clear winner last gen, and since they can't claim that now (with both current gen platforms using BD), the quality difference is apparent. Multiplatform games are showing up as higher resolutions on the PS4 because of the horsepower (making the higher-qulaity assets shine). That was the major sticking point for me on hating the Xbox. Games like The Last Of Us just aren't possible on the 360, and without the restrictions that MS put on the devs, most PS3 versions of games could have really pushed the limits and make the 360 look like crap. MS came off as a bully last gen, and they're came off as smug the start of this gen. They just aren't worth support IMO.
I'm sorry, but there is just too much text to read in this thread.... lol

First, responding to @BigPete7978 's first post:

PS+ still isn't required for PS3 or Vita for online play. Even on the PS4, it's not every game, and unlike Live, it isn't required for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc. Also, PS+'s free games and discounts blow away XBL Arcade and Games for Gold.

Microsoft including Kinect because it's part of the experience is fine, but people obviously aren't willing to pay the extra price FOR that experience. Sony didn't want to force peripherals onto their customers because they knew if there was an experience to be had, people would buy the camera. The problem is, the Kinect doesn't really do much yet, and the PS4 Camera doesn't either. The features are limited and games hardly utilize them, so for me, Sony gave me the option to skip it (which also affected the selling price).

Sony's first party exclusives are great IMO. They're expected and usually of decent quality. I find it similar to Nintendo. But 6 GOW games (2 being on the PS2 and 2 being on the PS3 and 2 being on the PSP/Vita) isn't milking the franchise IMO. It's no different than any major Platform exclusive (like Zelda or Mario). The difference between that and Halo is that there were 7 Halo games this past generation alone, not including the hugely popular Halo: CE and Halo 2 on the original Xbox (9 titles total). And while not all of them were core titles, the in-betweens, prequels, spinoffs, etc weren't all that good and watered down the series. I have no real problem with any other series on either platform (as long as they're good).

For my points:

Xbox Exclusives are usually available for PC too. Titanfall being the most obvious example. While it's nice to play games on a console (I love my WiiU and PS4), I also enjoy playing games on my Mac/PC and find access to nearly every game available.

Another major frustration I have with the Xbox is the storage. Using proprietary storage was a serious flaw, and the PS3/PS4 using standard HDD made it the clear winner. Also, things like Wifi and HDMI included in every PS3 model, the price difference of the PS3 and the X360 was totally reasonable. You had a standardized set of specs throughout the entire generation. Every model had HDMI, Wifi, HDD, and bluray. It made it easy for everyone to know what they were getting.

My biggest frustration with Microsoft last gen was the restrictions they put on publishers/devs for multiplatform games. Pub/Devs weren't allowed to have higher quality textures or more data - like bigger maps or higher poly counts - on the PS3's blu-ray, or else MS wouldn't license the game as an Xbox title. That was the sort of stuff that limited the PS3's potential to be the clear winner last gen, and since they can't claim that now (with both current gen platforms using BD), the quality difference is apparent. Multiplatform games are showing up as higher resolutions on the PS4 because of the horsepower (making the higher-qulaity assets shine). That was the major sticking point for me on hating the Xbox. Games like The Last Of Us just aren't possible on the 360, and without the restrictions that MS put on the devs, most PS3 versions of games could have really pushed the limits and make the 360 look like crap. MS came off as a bully last gen, and they're came off as smug the start of this gen. They just aren't worth support IMO.

One minor correction to your post. The rest I agree with.
There was a 20 or 40GB model that didn't have Wifi.

There were games like Black Ops 2 where the games were burned all the way to the edge. Which is why Hard Drives or Flash Drives are required for COD, probably Assassin's Creed, Halo, Gears of War Judgement, and GTA V

I'll never understand why they charge over $100 for a 320GB laptop hard drive, a case, and some random data, when we have hard drives in our PS3s for 1TB for under $100 dollars, and why the One makes you VOID THE WARRANTY for a hard drive swap.

I think Microsoft engineers are just fucking retarded at this point. They got cocky and they half assed everything just like last gen.
I'm sure every one is tired of me in this thread. However I just wanted to say this. There are 2 times where I have bought a game and then it went on sale 2 days later and Sony gave me a credit for as much or MORE than the difference.

Even on the blog one of the people that run the PS Blog said to call customer service and see if you can get a credit for the difference. That's why i feel like Sony isn't money grubbing. They seem to care. It's the little things like Cross-Buy, Portal 2 and I think a game by Square Enix had PC copies redeemable on Steam when you bought the PS3 version of Deus Ex.

The fact that Sony has these offers, and Microsoft doesn't do any tie ins with Windows 8 purchases, and the fact that Plus has so many great games, what exactly is Sony doing to be greedy? Sony feels Japanese. Like service the fans, take care of them and they'll take care of you. Microsoft feels like America. Get every tiny Micro Transaction you can.

I got Left 4 Dead 2 on PC, for $8.00. Microsoft wouldn't let them give the DLC away for free. The DLC for that game, was around $8.00 when I bought the PC version and got the free DLC for $8.00. Sony just gave us Tomb Raider free.
Yeah I don't understand the out of the way hate that some people try to have against certain consoles. However, I don't really fault people for having reasons against why they buy certain console(s) or reasons for why they buy the console(s) they have.

Last gen we had a Wii and a PS3 (and PC if that counts). The Wii was kind of fun, but just didn't hold the interest like the PS3 did, so I skipped the Wii U because of that and well other reasons to do with how it couldn't really compare to the PS4 or XB1. My main reason for buying a PS3 was that I had a PS2 and the PS3 was originally backwards compatible and my brothers both had one.

It was very tempting to get a 360 because basically all of my friends tended towards it rather than the PS3. However, I just really didn't like a lot of Microsoft's business strategies. RROD was firmly entrenched at that point, I couldn't really get behind their timed exclusive contracts to keep games off of the PS3, the idea of having to pay for Gold to play online, and honestly a lack of games I was really interested in. With all of those reasons I passed.

Now Sony aren't angels and I know they're after my money too, but besides their arrogance at the beginning of last gen, I feel like they've been really trying to be competitive and listen to what people have been saying. The free games after their hack, the rather insane value of PS+, the way they're handling the PS4 have all impressed me. If I had limitless disposable income and time I would pick of an XB1 or Wii U, but I don't so I try to look at the pros and cons and figure out what I'd be happiest with. If people are happy with their 360s, XB1s, Wii Us, well I'm happy for them. I just have my reasons for not getting them.
Yeah I don't understand the out of the way hate that some people try to have against certain consoles. However, I don't really fault people for having reasons against why they buy certain console(s) or reasons for why they buy the console(s) they have.

Last gen we had a Wii and a PS3 (and PC if that counts). The Wii was kind of fun, but just didn't hold the interest like the PS3 did, so I skipped the Wii U because of that and well other reasons to do with how it couldn't really compare to the PS4 or XB1. My main reason for buying a PS3 was that I had a PS2 and the PS3 was originally backwards compatible and my brothers both had one.

It was very tempting to get a 360 because basically all of my friends tended towards it rather than the PS3. However, I just really didn't like a lot of Microsoft's business strategies. RROD was firmly entrenched at that point, I couldn't really get behind their timed exclusive contracts to keep games off of the PS3, the idea of having to pay for Gold to play online, and honestly a lack of games I was really interested in. With all of those reasons I passed.

Now Sony aren't angels and I know they're after my money too, but besides their arrogance at the beginning of last gen, I feel like they've been really trying to be competitive and listen to what people have been saying. The free games after their hack, the rather insane value of PS+, the way they're handling the PS4 have all impressed me. If I had limitless disposable income and time I would pick of an XB1 or Wii U, but I don't so I try to look at the pros and cons and figure out what I'd be happiest with. If people are happy with their 360s, XB1s, Wii Us, well I'm happy for them. I just have my reasons for not getting them.
Very well said. +1 on your post.
Yeah I don't understand the out of the way hate that some people try to have against certain consoles. However, I don't really fault people for having reasons against why they buy certain console(s) or reasons for why they buy the console(s) they have.

Last gen we had a Wii and a PS3 (and PC if that counts). The Wii was kind of fun, but just didn't hold the interest like the PS3 did, so I skipped the Wii U because of that and well other reasons to do with how it couldn't really compare to the PS4 or XB1. My main reason for buying a PS3 was that I had a PS2 and the PS3 was originally backwards compatible and my brothers both had one.

It was very tempting to get a 360 because basically all of my friends tended towards it rather than the PS3. However, I just really didn't like a lot of Microsoft's business strategies. RROD was firmly entrenched at that point, I couldn't really get behind their timed exclusive contracts to keep games off of the PS3, the idea of having to pay for Gold to play online, and honestly a lack of games I was really interested in. With all of those reasons I passed.

Now Sony aren't angels and I know they're after my money too, but besides their arrogance at the beginning of last gen, I feel like they've been really trying to be competitive and listen to what people have been saying. The free games after their hack, the rather insane value of PS+, the way they're handling the PS4 have all impressed me. If I had limitless disposable income and time I would pick of an XB1 or Wii U, but I don't so I try to look at the pros and cons and figure out what I'd be happiest with. If people are happy with their 360s, XB1s, Wii Us, well I'm happy for them. I just have my reasons for not getting them.

If Microsoft had made good games rather than have Rare make Kinectimals and racing games that play themselves on Kinect, and if they had more than Gears of War, Halo, Timed Exclusives, and if they had Windows/Xbox cross-buying or at least allowed cross-play and Steam vouchers the way Sony has allowed, then I wouldn't be so rabid. Microsoft was trying to even make Xbox Live Gold be mandatory for PC games too back in the early days.

Overall that's been my over arching point. Sony wants to get games to you and yes make some money, Microsoft wants to make money, and if you play games too, well sure cool I guess. Feels like the Xbox One is more of a t.v. device at times than a gaming device and you need Xbox Live Gold for that too.

That's my major point. I don't think that people will be happy with the Xbox One 2 years from now unless they change and really really encourage developers because right now people are developing for the Xbox One, none of them seem terribly excited about it.

If Microsoft was cultivating indie developers like Sony is, instead of throwing 500 million dollars at advertising... It'd be a different story. But right now I can't play Plants Versus Zombies Garden Warfare because why? Probably gobs of money from Microsoft.
If Microsoft had made good games rather than have Rare make Kinectimals and racing games that play themselves on Kinect, and if they had more than Gears of War, Halo, Timed Exclusives, and if they had Windows/Xbox cross-buying or at least allowed cross-play and Steam vouchers the way Sony has allowed, then I wouldn't be so rabid. Microsoft was trying to even make Xbox Live Gold be mandatory for PC games too back in the early days.

Overall that's been my over arching point. Sony wants to get games to you and yes make some money, Microsoft wants to make money, and if you play games too, well sure cool I guess. Feels like the Xbox One is more of a t.v. device at times than a gaming device and you need Xbox Live Gold for that too.

That's my major point. I don't think that people will be happy with the Xbox One 2 years from now unless they change and really really encourage developers because right now people are developing for the Xbox One, none of them seem terribly excited about it.

If Microsoft was cultivating indie developers like Sony is, instead of throwing 500 million dollars at advertising... It'd be a different story. But right now I can't play Plants Versus Zombies Garden Warfare because why? Probably gobs of money from Microsoft.

I get you and I think you make valid points. Really I don't find too much I straight out disagree with you on. They would be involved in some of the reasons that I don't have a 360 or a XB1. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't have the need to tell everyone why I haven't bought a certain console or dislike a certain company unless asked about it. If someone is enjoying a XB1 or 360 I'm not going to tell them why they shouldn't be because Microsoft does things I don't agree with. If someone is asking me which one I would choose, then I'd lay out my reasons. I'm more interested in just playing the games truthfully.

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