Sunset Overdrive


PSLS Level: Silver
This game and Titanfall are some of the main reasons I bought my Xbox One. Titanfall has not disappointed, and this looks to be even better. They just released a gam play video, and all I can say is WOW.

Looks like inFamous and Ratchet had a baby, who turned into an emo kid. Looks interesting, but not enough to sell me on an XBO.
Looks like inFamous and Ratchet had a baby, who turned into an emo kid. Looks interesting, but not enough to sell me on an XBO.
Yeah, makes me pine a bit, but it won't get my wallet open. I'd buy it if it were on PS4, but it's not a system seller to me.

Honestly feels more like a "Fuck You PlayStation Players" from Insomniac than anything else.
Dead Rising on a Fanta binge... looks fun. To be honest a lot of things really stand out, I don't like the way some of the animations blend together (particularly how the grinds will teleport you to a rail like the PS2 Tony Hawk games) and you can already tell that there are performance issues.

So far all the 8th gen new IPs for consoles have left me wanting, I sincerely hope that the PS4 Souls game is real.
Honestly feels more like a "Fuck You PlayStation Players" from Insomniac than anything else.

"It's the game that insomniac has been building up to for 20 years"

When I heard that line I had to go and do some research as to what game consoles Insomniac had been putting their titles on just to confirm my suspicions.

There's no other way to take that line.

After seeing the gameplay footage, the only thing that excited me about this game was the fact that it features power line grinding. I missed that in Second Son.

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