What do you think of multiplayer trophies?

How do you think multiplayer trophies should be handled?

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I like how they released Single Player Starhawk and Multiplayer Starhawk separately with their own trophies. Why not do that? Especially on the PS4.. Let people pay for what they want.
Yeah but it wasn't that way at first. Didn't they have it bundled at first like most titles.
Oh without a doubt. There are people that buy specific games for multiplayer solely.
Especially with the digital push. Give people a $35 dollar Single Player, a $35 dollar multiplayer, or a $30 dollar single play and a $40 multiplayer. Let them save a few bucks. If they change their mind, they'll pay more, but have a $60 dollar bundle.

If no one buys the single player, don't make another single player. It's that easy. Let the people tell you what they want.
Multiplayer trophies are so off putting.
Killzone 2 is my first memory of knowing full well I'd never stand a chance of getting a platinum, based purely on the multiplayer trophies needed. I was never that good at it. I enjoyed it, a lot, but couldn't hold my own online.

If you need to boost to platinum, perhaps that mechanic is broken.
It depends entirely on the game for me. If a game is multiplayer centric, then trophies are appropriate. If a game is mostly a single player experience, leave the MP trophies out. God of War: Ascension did MP trophies right in that it had, what, 1 or 2 trophies? And they were associated with basically doing the tutorial and playing a single match or something. Arkham Origins had something like 10 trophies tacked on which was really crappy; I didn't even touch the multiplayer in that game at all.
It depends entirely on the game for me. If a game is multiplayer centric, then trophies are appropriate. If a game is mostly a single player experience, leave the MP trophies out. God of War: Ascension did MP trophies right in that it had, what, 1 or 2 trophies? And they were associated with basically doing the tutorial and playing a single match or something. Arkham Origins had something like 10 trophies tacked on which was really crappy; I didn't even touch the multiplayer in that game at all.

Yea it is really tough when the MP portion is so tiny and lame, then they decide to give it too many trophies.
Multiplayer centric games are fine having those kinds of trophies. Because honestly, the majority of the audience that buy it, buy it for the MP. Now games that have tacked on MP (Tomb Raider, ME3, Arkham Origins) should not require those trophies for the platinum. Granted, I liked Mass Effect 3 MP, but it shouldn't be a requirement to the platinum. I'll never get Tomb Raider, GTA 5, or Assassins Creed Brotherhood platinum trophies just because of those multiplayer ones. It's very annoying.
I know MP trophies arent going away, but i really do wish theyd make them easily attainable. I know i hate grinding them, and im sure people hate me in the match doing something specific for a trophy, so i end up ruining their fun too. I didnt buy tomb raider or batman origins specifically because of MP trophies.
I vote for options 3 and 4.

I recently ran into this problem with Naruto Shippuuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. Sure, there are only 2 online multiplayer trophies, one of which is simply winning a single match, but at this point, people still playing the game are few and far between, and from what I saw, most of them are pretty high-level players (or just cheap), which makes it very difficult to win even just one match, nevermind the ten required for the other trophy.

My main problem with online multiplayer trophies is precisely this: when the fanbase dies out, so do your chances of obtaining these trophies if you didn't get them while more people were playing. And that's just bull, IMO. Sure, from some business perspective, I'm sure it makes plenty of sense, giving more incentive to purchase the game at launch and whatnot, but it just seems like such a dick move, screwing over late players who want to get that platinum/100%.

But then there's also the problem of tiers, leaderboards, etc. I don't think many people out there are willing to sacrifice their precious e-peen just to let others pick up these trophies, so if you can't manage to get matched with anyone around your skill level, you're forced to either pursue some hardcore training regimen to shape you up for the elites, or just give up on ever getting the trophies. And this problem, as mentioned above, becomes ever greater when the number of players online starts to thin out.

Granted, much of my dislike for multiplayer trophies is biased due to personal problems with them... ^^; But really, I don't think there's anything wrong with them, regardless of difficulty. They're additional challenges, just like any other trophies. The problem, IMO, is how they're included in the pursuit of platinum trophies. I think the simplest and most fair way to do multiplayer trophies would be to just give them in a bundle like DLC trophies, which wouldn't affect attainment of the platinum trophy, but would still provide the extra challenge for those who want to pursue them, and would crank up their completion percentage beyond that of those who opt out, giving additional bragging rights. And considering how the multiplayer modes for most games seem to be almost completely separate from the main game (if not literally completely separate), the platinum would still serve to represent 100% completion of the main game's challenges, while the extra trophies would build up to 100% completion of the entire game's challenges.
I like how they released Single Player Starhawk and Multiplayer Starhawk separately with their own trophies. Why not do that? Especially on the PS4.. Let people pay for what they want.
I just started playing Assassin's Creed 4 on multiplayer - and it repeatedly dumps out on me. I have a 50+ mb connection (tested on my laptop and phone), and I can't play this game 7/10 times in multiplayer mode. All I want to is get the last two MP trophies, and I'll have the platinum for that game. :(
I just started playing Assassin's Creed 4 on multiplayer - and it repeatedly dumps out on me. I have a 50+ mb connection (tested on my laptop and phone), and I can't play this game 7/10 times in multiplayer mode. All I want to is get the last two MP trophies, and I'll have the platinum for that game. :(
I remember the grind for the multiplayer trophies. I think they actually patched it and made it to where you get less xp for solo wolf pack. But that's still probably the best way to gain xp.
I remember the grind for the multiplayer trophies. I think they actually patched it and made it to where you get less xp for solo wolf pack. But that's still probably the best way to gain xp.
MP Wolfpack is the only MP mode that doesn't dump out on me. Ubisoft has something weird going on, or maybe Comcast (my ISP) just hates that particular game.
Ubisoft e="stolenxnametag, post: 5109, member: 61"]MP Wolfpack is the only MP mode that doesn't dump out on me. Ubisoft has something weird going on, or maybe Comcast (my ISP) just hates that particular game.[/quote]
Ubisoft has some shitty servers is all. Rayman lehends gave me the same kind of problems. Some people even got screwed out of their (super duper totally uncalled for middle finger of a grind) awesomeness trophy.
Especially with the digital push. Give people a $35 dollar Single Player, a $35 dollar multiplayer, or a $30 dollar single play and a $40 multiplayer. Let them save a few bucks. If they change their mind, they'll pay more, but have a $60 dollar bundle.

If no one buys the single player, don't make another single player. It's that easy. Let the people tell you what they want.
Or we could just get a $25 campaign and a $25 Multiplayer and save the $10 since its digital and there are no costs added for discs, cases and such. Screw paying $60 or more for less actual product.
Or we could just get a $25 campaign and a $25 Multiplayer and save the $10 since its digital and there are no costs added for discs, cases and such. Screw paying $60 or more for less actual product.
Baby steps.

Also you risk losing the ability to sell the consoles at Wal-Mart and some other retailers. Amazon Kindles and Amazon cards stopped being sold at Target because of pricing disputes. The high cost of Vita memory cards is probably as a "See look we're not screwing you over by having you sell a console and then the games for way cheaper"

Plus stuff goes on sale regularly so you can get the games digitally for cheap. If Wal-Mart says "Well we won't sell your console because you're undercutting our game sales by too much" then you basically will lose the console wars. So yeah... thank brick and mortar on top of greedy CEOs. Luigi U was more or less the exception that proves the rule since it was released first digitally.
I can't stand multiplayer trophies. They are either a huge grind or luck based. I like the way Uncharted does them. They are basic and then they patch in more that don't count for the plat.

Down with multiplayer trophies!
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