What would YOU like to see on the Vita?

All the psp games carried over

They have problems allowing all PSP/PSone titles that are already on the PSN store to be played on the Vita. I don't know how they ever thought they'd get enough of the PSP's library all digital for the PSPgo to succeed.

Full digital PSP support would be awesome.
They have problems allowing all PSP/PSone titles that are already on the PSN store to be played on the Vita. I don't know how they ever thought they'd get enough of the PSP's library all digital for the PSPgo to succeed.

Full digital PSP support would be awesome.

Interesting considering that the jpn store succesfully managed to do so.
Its that SCEA doesn't care.

Compare Vita's PSone/PSP games with SCEE/SCEJA, SCEE isn't perfect but it looks like effort was put in. SCEA has even taken down the PSone subcategory from the Vita's store. Last I heard Gran Turismo PSP was finally put on Vita's store but it won't download it.
I know it never would/could happen, but I'd love to see Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ported to the Vita. After Persona 4 and Final Fantasy IV, it's my favorite jRPG of all time. The Pokemon-like strategy style combined with the "Tales of" series battle system makes for a perfect game on the go. Never gonna happen, but I'd LOVE to see it.
I know it never would/could happen, but I'd love to see Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ported to the Vita. After Persona 4 and Final Fantasy IV, it's my favorite jRPG of all time. The Pokemon-like strategy style combined with the "Tales of" series battle system makes for a perfect game on the go. Never gonna happen, but I'd LOVE to see it.
Yes! Either that, a sequel, or even a "spiritual successor" would be excellent to see on Vita!
I know it never would/could happen, but I'd love to see Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ported to the Vita. After Persona 4 and Final Fantasy IV, it's my favorite jRPG of all time. The Pokemon-like strategy style combined with the "Tales of" series battle system makes for a perfect game on the go. Never gonna happen, but I'd LOVE to see it.

You are right, it is NEVER going to happen but it would be amazing to see it. I would almost rather have a spinoff that is built specifically for the PS Vita, but I would be happy if they ported it over as well.

Keeping in the RPG realm, I would love to see White Knight Chronicles: Origins be re-released on the Vita and actually make it stateside. I know the WKC series wasn't perfect, but I still had a lot of fun playing the first one.
What I want to see:

More companion apps coming to the Vita. Let me take even a small part of my game experience away from the console. If I could work on leveling up or getting money or other grinding things in my game while on the go, I would love that. Devs ought to utilize the second screen aspect of the Vita, both in real time with the game, and on-the-go away from the game.
I want a Vita hardware revision with LTE support that allows PSN use. Better yet, let's add to that and demand that near actually does something, like StreetPass.
I want the usual western games that everyone asks for. You know, GTA, Elder Scrolls (In the vein of Skyrim), and Fallout. I honestly don't want as many indies and JRPGS. It seems to lack enough western titles.
Good games that aren't indies for once, aren't ports, and play well. If it weren't for my imports i probably would've sold it by now

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