White PS4 Destiny Bundle - $449.99


PSLS Level: Bronze

Release Date - September 9th
Amazon Pre-Order - $449.99

Not sure how i missed this one until this morning. Makes me want to buy a 2nd PS4 for this beauty.
If it was 399. I would buy it, but since it's not, i'll pass
That would be like them essentially getting Destiny for free. With this bundle you are getting it for $10 off the game, and in a limited edition color as well. I think it's a pretty good deal for those that are interested in the game, and don't own the PS4 yet.
That would be like them essentially getting Destiny for free. With this bundle you are getting it for $10 off the game, and in a limited edition color as well. I think it's a pretty good deal for those that are interested in the game, and don't own the PS4 yet.

Exactly. Apparently people don't like paying for products. Brand new IP with a console for free? That is just crazy talk.
That would be like them essentially getting Destiny for free. With this bundle you are getting it for $10 off the game, and in a limited edition color as well. I think it's a pretty good deal for those that are interested in the game, and don't own the PS4 yet.

I would get it but it's just too hard on my wallet, was one of the many reasons i didn't buy the ps4.
I would get it but it's just too hard on my wallet, was one of the many reasons i didn't buy the ps4.
Definitely understandable. I truly believed they might've dropped the PS4 price by around $50 or so at E3 to counteract the Xbox One Kinect-less console.
Definitely understandable. I truly believed they might've dropped the PS4 price by around $50 or so at E3 to counteract the Xbox One Kinect-less console.
I dont think there is really enough justification for a price drop yet. This bundle also includes a month of PS+ so that's another free $7.99 of content. And I wonder if PS4 bundles are still including $10 of PSN credit. I do see them throwing in a free game or two for a Christmas bundle though for added value.
There is certainly no justification in dropping the price right now. Be assured, Microsoft would NOT have done so if their hand had not been forced. Even with the prices matched, PlayStation is going to keep on selling well.
There is certainly no justification in dropping the price right now. Be assured, Microsoft would NOT have done so if their hand had not been forced. Even with the prices matched, PlayStation is going to keep on selling well.
Which I am all fine for. I love both my PS4 and Xbox One. They both offer great games that I enjoy playing. I think that competition is great between the two competitors, and an even price point will only fuel that competition between the two gaming consoles.
The more I look at it the more I like it and since I haven't gotten one yet it may end up on my wish list.
I'm getting this bundle, but I'm not interested in Destiny. Where I live, internet isn't good, so it would be useless. But, I'm excited for the PS4 itself. It'll match my white PSVita!
I might eventually get another PS4. I like to have a standby because I like to take my hardware apart. If I do I probably will get a white one this time. I don't typically get the white hardware from Sony because it rarely stays pretty, but in this case I want a white and a black PS4. My two PS3s always had a tumultuous relationship with one another. My old 60gb was my little "Bastard" PS3 on account of all the illegitimate things I did with it. Somehow I feel a black & white theme can really express that for this next generation.
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I might eventually get another PS4. I like to have a standby because I like to take my hardware apart. If I do I probably will get a white one this time. I don't typically get the white hardware from Sony because it rarely stays pretty, but in this case I want a white and a black PS4. My two PS3s always had a tumultuous relationship with one another. My old 60gb was my little "Bastard" PS3 on account of all the illegitimate things I did with it. Some how I feel a black & white theme can really expand on that for this next generation.
That sounds interesting

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