I just did it...


PSLS Level: Bronze
I was debating on buying a Vita 2000 since it came out, I just didn't want to pay that price for a pack in game that I already have on PS3 and PC. I said in a thread that it needed to be cheaper without the pack in for me to buy it.

I actually stay with my grandfather every Saturday night and there's no internet down there, I don't care to transport my PS3/PS4 there and my 3DS just doesn't interest me (Until OR/AS comes out). So asside from my phone (which I hate playing games on) there's very little to do when I'm there. I recently came into some money and decided it's worth it to buy a vita now for that price because I'll make good use of it on the weekends and even throughout the week.

Here's the thing, for some reason I had it in my mind that the Bundle was $240 (Amazon had it listed for that through third parties and Gamestop had a bundle with some other junk for around that). Recent reports about it selling out made me look into it more and it turns out it's only $200 and well within that price I actually wanted to pay for it. I feel stupid for not realizing this earlier. So the past few weeks I've been looking for one and even in a relatively rural area I could not find one anywhere.

Then today I see a post on Reddit that Amazon/Best Buy/Gamestop got some in online. After checking local stores first and them not having gotten any, I want to Amazon... only available from third parties. Went to check out at Gamestop and saw they offered no sort of free shipping (I'm spoiled by Prime). Said 'Fuck off!' and I refused to buy from Best Buy for some reason. I just happened to have the Amazon tab still open and refreshed it for shits and giggles... $199.99.

TL;DR: I'm now an owner of a Vita.
Nice! Welcome to the club! If you want any game recommendations just let us know what genres ya like!
Nice! You're in the perfect place to be announcing this, too. We're some serious Vita lovers on this forum!

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