Destiny Beta thread


PSLS Level: Bronze
I am going to be in the beta and asked Dan about a community get together.

Show your interest here.

If your participating, be sureto preorder and remember fire teams are made of three people.
I think it was supposed to be on your receipt. If not, go into Gamestop and they'll get you a code. Alternatively, a simple trick I know a lot of people have used is pre-ordering from Amazon then canceling after they get the code.

Oh, and make use of these codes as well. They're infinite use and unlock something (we have no idea what) when the game launches. There's rumored to be more, with a few showing up at E3.
I think it was supposed to be on your receipt. If not, go into Gamestop and they'll get you a code. Alternatively, a simple trick I know a lot of people have used is pre-ordering from Amazon then canceling after they get the code.

Oh, and make use of these codes as well. They're infinite use and unlock something (we have no idea what) when the game launches. There's rumored to be more, with a few showing up at E3.
Thank you, sir.
It's a code on your receipt that you enter in to Bungie's site, then Bungie will email you a beta code once the beta is open.
count me in. this is will be the first time I've played a game from bungie since my cousins had me play the first halo with them.
I will be participating in the beta. Add me if you want to play Destiny when it launches.

PSN: dirtyhippie324

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