Super Smash Bros.

Arthur Sataine

PSLS Level: Bronze
PSLS Ambassador
Yep. We all know and love it! Let's reminisce and look forward to the new title! Talk any and all things Super Smash Bros. right here! By the way, Link beats all. Just saying. ;)
I've mentioned before that I dislike Earthbound, but funnily enough Ness is my favorite character to use. I'm really looking forward to the new SSB game, hopefully there's some more interesting reveals coming soon.
Indeed. I'm thinking Megaman might be my new favorite character. I'm extremely interested in knowing how they've balanced his powers for a fight like is only offered in Smash Bros. I love Earthbound and Ness as a Smash character. Did you enjoy Lucas as well?
I enjoyed using Ness far more, his PK fire and thunder were better than Lucas' and I could never get PK Freeze to land.

Mega Man is actually one of the biggest reasons why I'm hyped for the new SSB, I'm actually a bit intrigued that they chose to use a superdeformed version of his NES sprite model as his character (as opposed to what his character actually looks like in later MM games and the original Marvel vs. Capcom). To my knowledge, he's the only SSB character besides Mr. Game and Watch to be like this.
It is just the true representation of who Megaman was. If anything, the newer iterations warped his original concept. And X is a different entity all together, though similarly designed. I'm really looking forward to this new Smash!
You guys check out the most recent video where they discuss the game details? It looks like its going to be amazing, i didn't really care for it until now, they completely revamped so much and it looks like they took a lot of care about how the game plays and all the mechanics to truly deliver a much more balanced game. Not to mention its going to be filled with a ton of content!


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