Anyone Else Not Interested In Destiny?

Heck the first 2 games I got for the PS4. NFS rivals stops you from accessing all content without an online connection. AC: Black Flag also had content locked behind online content. You pretty much have to ignore the color purple if you want to play Watchdogs offline. There are quite a few SP games now with intrusive online content. I don't expect it to end anytime soon either.
Heck the first 2 games I got for the PS4. NFS rivals stops you from accessing all content without an online connection. AC: Black Flag also had content locked behind online content. You pretty much have to ignore the color purple if you want to play Watchdogs offline. There are quite a few SP games now with intrusive online content. I don't expect it to end anytime soon either.
:( EA strikes again
But does Unity require an Internet connection, even if you don't want to play CO-OP
And what's this about Watch Dogs and purple
:( EA strikes again
But does Unity require an Internet connection, even if you don't want to play CO-OP
And what's this about Watch Dogs and purple

Well Ubisoft and EA seem to be copying answers off of each other lately so if I had to guess best case scenario is yes but you'll notice the content you are missing one way or another. Lately they really seem to want to showboat their companion apps and a lot of the blame can be found there.

As for the purple all the purple missions are online missions. I turned my watchdogs offline just because randoms tend to interrupt you anytime you want to start a mission, then you have to deal with them first. Unfortunately anytime you do that it resets any progress you made with your online points, and you will still get the occasional purple mission come by that you can't even start.
Well Ubisoft and EA seem to be copying answers off of each other lately so if I had to guess best case scenario is yes but you'll notice the content you are missing one way or another. Lately they really seem to want to showboat their companion apps and a lot of the blame can be found there.

As for the purple all the purple missions are online missions. I turned my watchdogs offline just because randoms tend to interrupt you anytime you want to start a mission, then you have to deal with them first. Unfortunately anytime you do that it resets any progress you made with your online points, and you will still get the occasional purple mission come by that you can't even start.
So the purple missions are side missions? Are there a lot of them?

And I have played ACIV offline, and I felt as if it was fine, but I'm more worried about Unity.

And are you sure NFS Rivals requires it completely, or just in some places?
So the purple missions are side missions? Are there a lot of them?

And I have played ACIV offline, and I felt as if it was fine, but I'm more worried about Unity.

And are you sure NFS Rivals requires it completely, or just in some places?

Well we are kinda getting off track, no game requires online, you can technically play all of the main story and a good portion of the side quests, but there is content that you can use in SP that is locked behind online components, and if you are a completionist you are going to notice it missing. If you are fine with not having all your content then by no means don't let it stop you from playing these games. The conversation was about how online components affect SP experiences in general and these are the best cases of that.
Well we are kinda getting off track, no game requires online, you can technically play all of the main story and a good portion of the side quests, but there is content that you can use in SP that is locked behind online components, and if you are a completionist you are going to notice it missing. If you are fine with not having all your content then by no means don't let it stop you from playing these games. The conversation was about how online components affect SP experiences in general and these are the best cases of that.
Sorry, I get off track easily

But I feel better
I am not really interested in the PVP aspects of Destiny. When it comes to multiplayer, I very much prefer co-op. When I played the Alpha, I found that the game was still very fun solo. I'm also interested in seeing where this story takes us.
I'm interested in Destiny, but probably won't get it right away, because well I don't get many games right away anymore (backlog, money, etc). I do tend to be more of a solo player too, but that's more because you never know what you'll get with online players and I tend to worry I'll mess up things or something too much. However, I'll say that Destiny looks pretty fun, and if it continues to have the positive buzz around it then I'm sure I'll get it at some point.
I'm not interested in Destiny, mainly because I'm more of a single player person. Please don't tell me I'm in the minority.

Based on just this post, I don't get why you aren't interested. Destiny is playable solo. There is just more to do with others. Strikes and competitive multiplayer require others. The rest of Destiny can be solo'd just fine.
I wasn't interested in this game at all after having played the versus at E3. Then I played the Alpha. That was a ton of fun, and is likely where I will invest my time.
I'm kinda on the fence as well but I do want that white PS4 so I'll probably give it a shot.
I'm not really all that into Destiny. I just can't get into it, it doesn't seem to have anything all that interesting.

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