Hugo Stiglitz
PSLS Level: Bronze
That was actually the very first topic we did, but we can always revisit it later in the year. I think between me, Joe and Stephen, it was MGSV and Until Dawn, so after they come out we can pick new games =p
I've also thought of:
Most overrated games
Most underrated games
Favorite games per platform
Some non Playstation episodes ( I know, blasphemy! But I also love Nintendo )
Should Sony make first party figures a la amiibo / Disney Infinity
IPs we wish would make a comeback
Postmortem on games we've played 2-4 weeks after release ( Bigger games like Bloodborne, Uncharted, etc)
My thought process in the very beginning of wanting to do this was to avoid doing news related podcasts, since there are a lot of those out there already. Hell, this is a PSLS unofficial podcast, but we still don't want to compete with Bad Gamers. There will inevitably be big news stories that almost require reactions, like E3, but again this is more tuned for what we, outside of the industry, want to talk about. So most of your topics are really great and things that I bet would make for great conversations. I can spend a long time talking about my gaming history, the only problem is I'm not sure anyone cares enough to listen to it for more than 10 minutes haha
I agree. I don't think we should/have to talk about news stories but stuff like e3 is unavoidable. I've been looking forward to this years e3 since last years e3 ended lol
We could try to do these out of left field type of topics like the ones we've mentioned.
I'm not sure about the non-playstation stuff though. We could do one where we each talk about what gaming we do outside of playstation but I would be against doing it often because it is a Playstation podcast after all and frankly not talking about playstation is what has killed podcast Beyond for me since Colin left