Destiny Beta thread

It's a code on your receipt that you enter in to Bungie's site, then Bungie will email you a beta code once the beta is open.

Well we will have to choose a platform and then get the code. ;)

I like this community idea. And I'm not sure about a guild type deal. I have some irl friends that I tend to play most online games with. If there will be a guild, it will be one forged with them. But I am definitely down for playing with and even introducing my guys to the PSLS family!
Well, psls is playstation forcused but anyone who prefers the xbox version should feel free to find quadmates here.
So, I have been living in m apartment for about a month now and still do not have internet. I may be living an offline life for a while.

I will jump in if I ever get internet again.
I wonder if rooster teeth (creators of web series red vs blue a spoof on halo)
Will make anything using destiny as it's base.

I'd like to see a more serious series from them as concerning Destiny. But keeping humor in it as well. ;)

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