E3 2015: Should Playstation owners be worried?

Should we PS4/PS3 owners be worried?

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I am not worried about it since I own both consoles but Playstation owners should not be worried about E3. I doubt Microsoft will announce third party full game exclusives since I think they will be betting on moving units with Halo and also the possible Gears of War announced. I do think Microsoft will announce timed exclusive dlc content on certain games though but I think they have done that at every E3 so why would Playstation owners worry now. Like someone else said I just hope Sony do not spend a ton of time on Morpheus.
Well and the fact that they already spent $400 on hardware. If it's like $200-300 that's asking people to spend $700 for to try VR. It won't get adopted by the average gamer and all the devs they have working on it will be wasting their time.

Yeah I don't think Sony's put that into consideration. I've seen a lot of devices fail because they asked too much for what might not even work out, I think Sony would need to really push for the Morpheus for it to work. As in bundles, promotional videos.

In fact what might work for them would be if they set the price higher and then announced a price cut, I know that seems like an underhanded tactic but it's worked for other devices.

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