PSLS Level: Newbie
So with the HD remakes or cross overs, I am taking this point of view. What about the people like my self that have been using Xbox for the past few years and have not had a chance to play PS only games. I think that the HD remakes are a good idea for people like me. On the other hand i can see where every ones point of view is coming form. I truly understand that we have a PS4 not a PS3 so why no new games.. I am going to use Drive Club is an example it was going to be a launch game and it was pushed and then pushed again. so whats to say that there have not been games that we have not herd of being pushed and pushed, I truly believe that the PS4 has a lot more to it then we all know about i think that some of the games that are coming down the pipe line are going to be out of this world!