HD Remakes on PS4 - Good or Bad?

So with the HD remakes or cross overs, I am taking this point of view. What about the people like my self that have been using Xbox for the past few years and have not had a chance to play PS only games. I think that the HD remakes are a good idea for people like me. On the other hand i can see where every ones point of view is coming form. I truly understand that we have a PS4 not a PS3 so why no new games.. I am going to use Drive Club is an example it was going to be a launch game and it was pushed and then pushed again. so whats to say that there have not been games that we have not herd of being pushed and pushed, I truly believe that the PS4 has a lot more to it then we all know about i think that some of the games that are coming down the pipe line are going to be out of this world!
What are your thoughts on HD ports of games coming to PS4? Already, more than 20% of the existing games on PS4 are ports of recently released PS3 and/or Vita titles, with many others being cross generation titles that exist on both platforms. There are very few games developed exclusively for the new-gen. With Tomb Raider already re-released on PS4, The Last of Us incoming to PS4, and the Mass Effect Trilogy rumored for a PS4 release, what is your take on the massive influx of last generation titles making their way to what is supposed to be our new and powerful console?
One really long word....BAD!
I personally am on both sides of this argument. I don't mind it as it allows those who missed the game during its initial launch, along with those who were planning to get it to gain an upgraded version for waiting. It also allows for a larger game library while we wait for bigger, made-for-current-gen games. On the other hand, it basically takes either benefits or money out of those who DID buy it at launch (benefits including upgraded graphics, console specific features, etc). In my opinion it is also usually a pointless upgrade seeing as it is a small jump in graphics and not everyone will use some of the console features such as streaming or sharing (I know I don't). In the end, I kind of don't like it. this also wouldn't be an issue if they made either the system backwards-compatible or made a separate model that was. (for the obviously higher price)
In order for a game to appeal to me as a PS3 to PS4 port it must contain substantial upgrades and additional content not in the PS3 version. Otherwise it doesn't justify the investment. If I am just getting a remastered version with no changes other than graphics and load speed then I can't justify the purchase.
They're a great way for developers to get used to the new hardware as well. I mean, it's always preferable to have them make a smaller game, I suppose (like Rockstar did with Table Tennis on xbox 360), but then again, that would take multiple years, or at least more than a year, while with something like TLOU:R, you can get some quick experience in a 5-10 months.
Remasters take nothing away from being made. In fact there is more evidence to support they help more games get made. Sly HD Collection directly led to Sly 4 being made.
Just like people crying about indies, these games don't suddenly decrease the "AAA" titles on the system... they just ADD more titles to the library.
Remasters take nothing away from being made. In fact there is more evidence to support they help more games get made. Sly HD Collection directly led to Sly 4 being made.
Just like people crying about indies, these games don't suddenly decrease the "AAA" titles on the system... they just ADD more titles to the library.
I see what you are saying, but these were also for older games. Remasters of newer games (ones within the last 3 years or so) just seem ridiculous.
I see what you are saying, but these were also for older games. Remasters of newer games (ones within the last 3 years or so) just seem ridiculous.
I'm of the opposite mind. Those are the games in my head that should've been 'next' gen in the first place. And many of them would have been if the PS3/X360/Wii wouldn't have last as crazy long as it has.

Plus right now, the only retail remasters out/announced are Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, and Grand Theft Auto 5.. I suppose we can add Injustice to the list. I certainly passed on buying both TLoU and GTA5 because of the next generation starting, and I know others have as well. The Last of Us is no different then the numerous amount of 'Game of the Year Editions' we get all the time. Injustice was that, that game wasn't even a remaster though. It was thrown to 1080p and released. The character models look barely upgraded (if they are at all.)

Even with all that said, none of these harm the potential of any new game. Tomb Raider finally became profitable to Enix after the rerelease. Naughty Dog gained valuable knowledge on developing for the PS4, and now they want to target 60fps more often because of much better it actually feels. Injustice existed just to get a fighter for the PS4 launch, NRS had no hand in that, they're too busy working on their actual next gen fighter (they aren't touching the PS3/360 version). GTA was always going to get a PC port eventually, bringing to the current gen consoles was more than worth the time of development, especially since we won't be getting a new GTA for awhile if Rockstar decides to go back to Red Dead or Max Payne (unlikely), or make something new.

Remasters are not a problem in anyway... Cross-Gen games are far worse IMO.
MHO about HD ports and all of that is that Im ok with it. Why? Because until the games I want to buy like The Witcher 3, Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age 3 etc etc. I need something to keep me occupied on my PS4. That why I support the HD ports. And yeah I do think they maybe gonna get crazy with it and make more and more HD ports but from my point of view I get to decide what to buy so if I like it then I buy it.

The Last of Us is the best port right now. Tomb Raider was 50% great and 50% bad because of its MP.

I am looking forward to that Mass Effect HD port if they decide to do it. I would love to play those games.

BTW not every game deserves a HD port. GTAV is a good example for me of a game that I wont care if it gets cancelled or something ( I know it wont happen but yeah its an example). Its not that I hate it but its overrated in my opinion.
MHO about HD ports and all of that is that Im ok with it. Why? Because until the games I want to buy like The Witcher 3, Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age 3 etc etc. I need something to keep me occupied on my PS4. That why I support the HD ports. And yeah I do think they maybe gonna get crazy with it and make more and more HD ports but from my point of view I get to decide what to buy so if I like it then I buy it.

The Last of Us is the best port right now. Tomb Raider was 50% great and 50% bad because of its MP.

I am looking forward to that Mass Effect HD port if they decide to do it. I would love to play those games.

BTW not every game deserves a HD port. GTAV is a good example for me of a game that I wont care if it gets cancelled or something ( I know it wont happen but yeah its an example). Its not that I hate it but its overrated in my opinion.

"... from my point of view I get to decide what to buy so if I like it then I buy it."

Choices are never a bad thing! :)
"... from my point of view I get to decide what to buy so if I like it then I buy it."

Choices are never a bad thing! :)

Yeah. They are never a bad thing. That is the point that some people around the internet and even friends of mine dont get. You have a choice. You cannot expect to have everything under your control but you do have choices. In this cases the choice is : Im buying it, Im not buying it, maybe later. But some people dont see it that way. Many look at it like they are being forced with a shotgun on their heads to buy something.
Do I like games running better and looking better than they did?


Do I like the option of an HD Remake?


If you think they charge too much for them. Get a PS3 and buy them on there.

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