Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix


PSLS Level: Kraken
PSLS Ambassador
I've never played Kingdom Hearts 2, despite owning it at some point on PS2, and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix really got me back on board for some more storyline details. My only wish for this is for it to also be released on Vita, as that has become my de facto choice for RPGs until something good is released on PS4.

So what are your thoughts? Is anyone else as excited for this as I am?

Agreed. The only reason I didn't buy Remix is that I want it on Vita, but if they don't I may have to pull the trigger if I find it cheap.
I'm ridiculously excited. Easily one of my favorite game series. And HD remasters are easily the thing that Square Enix is doing best right now.
Square Enix Remasters are the video game equivalent of Disney's 3D adaptations of movies. If you've gone to see a Disney movie in 3D in the past few years after seeing a 3D movie by pretty much anyone else, you probably know what I mean.
Square Enix Remasters are the video game equivalent of Disney's 3D adaptations of movies. If you've gone to see a Disney movie in 3D in the past few years after seeing a 3D movie by pretty much anyone else, you probably know what I mean.
I have no idea what you mean. o_O
I tried emulating KH2 Final Mix but that whole "circle to confirm" thing wasn't really working for me. Looking forward to the HD rerelease so I can play all that extra content.
Thing thing that I am most bummed out about is missing out on Dream Drop Distance. This is a CRUCIAL piece of the story, especially going into KH3, and it is the only game that won't find itself included anywhere in the HD collections.
I'm super excited for KH2.5, I'm currently playing through Chain of Memories (Good game & great card system, but it feels stagnant after a while.)

Do you guys feel that Square will re-release Dream Drop Distance for any other system besides the 3DS, or that the game will remain on Nintendo's handheld?
This is a tough call for me, but it seems like it is staying on the 3DS.

Also, what time sounds most likely for the release date of Kingdom Hearts 2.5?
I personally feel like this fall is most likely when it'll release.
Do you guys feel that Square will re-release Dream Drop Distance for any other system besides the 3DS, or that the game will remain on Nintendo's handheld?
This is a tough call for me, but it seems like it is staying on the 3DS.
I seriously doubt that it will make it to any PlayStation platforms, especially after Sony selling their shares of Square Enix.
Also, what time sounds most likely for the release date of Kingdom Hearts 2.5?
I personally feel like this fall is most likely when it'll release.
I think either an E3 or Tokyo Game Show announcement will reveal either a Fall or Winter 2014 release, at least in Japan, along with a teaser for Kingdom Hearts III. I could be wrong, but KH2.5 should be released a bit more speedily than KH1.5 was.

"Kingdom Hearts 1 was created a long, long time ago, so actually the original data was missing already," he explained. "It was lost, so we had to research, and we had to dig out from the actual game what was available and recreate everything for HD. We had to recreate all the graphics and it was actually not that easy."
So I expect the KH2.5 project to be out sooner than later. :-D

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