The "What do you do for a living" thread.

Do you love your job?

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My dad died. That's my current living atm.
Sorry to hear that, Makai!

Obviously, there's not much we can say to make things any easier for you but you're absolutely in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you and your family can stay strong through this difficult time.
It happened in August, and ever since it's just been crazy with the move, people going to the hospital, garage selling, just crazy stuff.
It happened in August, and ever since it's just been crazy with the move, people going to the hospital, garage selling, just crazy stuff.

Can't begin to imagine what you're going through. Might seem crazy but if you need people to talk to, the PSLS forum community is a good group to lean on.
Wow that really sucks. Not sure what to say beyond that because I've never been through anything like that but yeah that sucks, hope you and your family are doing ok.
I don't really want to talk about too much.

Talking about it just brings despair, because my support network is virtually non existent.

It's like being in tech support. You help so many people, so much, so many times, and then when you need help it's so high level, that it just goes over everyone's heads.
I have to say it takes up most of my spare time and what you see there is only the half of the system the other half consists of filters, pumps, reactors, special nitrate/phosphate eating algae and lots of other stuff with words that sound like I have a body builder under the cabinet

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