What JRPG are you playing?

i picked up xillia when it was on sale for stupid-cheap. i still haven't found the time to get into it yet, but having never played a tales game i figured it would be a good starting point. one day, when i'm in the mood...
Right now I'm playing Tales of Graces F. Great game, but fair warning it has one of the LONGEST starts ups I've ever seen in a game. You're playing as kids for like 5+ hours and then you go to mostly the same locations again as adults to try and set things right that are now falling apart.

At least there's a huge emotional, story build up. I feel like it has some payoffs already. Though I'm really curious how the rest of the story will play out.

Wish it wasn't T for Teen though. They talk about how deep some of the gashes are, and how injured people are, but there's not a spec of blood, so it takes you out of the moment when that happens.

This is not for casual players though. This game is incredibly deep. Tons of stuff to craft, tons of mechanics to learn, every character plays differently, and most importantly... the way you augment gear is odd.

You combine your gear with some shards, and then you fight till it's tempered, then you combine your gear with other tempered gear, and then you get crystals with the benefits from the shards, then you upgrade the crystals, and then craft them back into the gear until it's like +99

You won't have to deal with that throughout the course of the regular game... but the end game.. yeah...maybe you will.
I only own a ps4 so I'm just waiting for one. I hope the JRPG genre makes a big comeback this gen.
I only own a ps4 so I'm just waiting for one. I hope the JRPG genre makes a big comeback this gen.

Personally, I feel that JRPG's peaked on PS2. But then again, I'm a bit of an old-school Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy fan; Chrono Trigger was a favorite of mine for a long time. Atlus in particular did a good job bringing over a lot of titles that I came to appreciate, turn-based gems like DDS, Persona, and SMT3/Nocturne. Suddenly JRPG characters weren't as trope-like as they typically are, even today. I tried getting into Eternal Sonata and Ni No Kuni, but the battle systems weren't to my liking. I guess that was always my hesitation with the Tales series.

I'm excited what Persona 5 brings to the table, but then again, that's PS3. It'll be interesting to see the first true JRPG on the PS4, and the overall reaction to it.
Personally, I feel that JRPG's peaked on PS2. But then again, I'm a bit of an old-school Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy fan; Chrono Trigger was a favorite of mine for a long time. Atlus in particular did a good job bringing over a lot of titles that I came to appreciate, turn-based gems like DDS, Persona, and SMT3/Nocturne. Suddenly JRPG characters weren't as trope-like as they typically are, even today. I tried getting into Eternal Sonata and Ni No Kuni, but the battle systems weren't to my liking. I guess that was always my hesitation with the Tales series.

I'm excited what Persona 5 brings to the table, but then again, that's PS3. It'll be interesting to see the first true JRPG on the PS4, and the overall reaction to it.
The best recent RPGs for me were South Park: The Stick of Truth and Dragon Fantasy Book I and II. Coming from the same "PS2 was the golden era of RPGs" camp as you, I would highly recommend Dragon Fantasy and cautiously recommend South Park. I would like to see the PS4 emerge with some good ol' classic turn based JRPGs, and I honestly think that's a plausible hope - I mean, most of the new games on there are indie retro-style games. Maybe we'll see some indie developers who like the same shit we do. :-D
I would highly recommend Dragon Fantasy and cautiously recommend South Park.

already own them.

I would like to see the PS4 emerge with some good ol' classic turn based JRPGs, and I honestly think that's a plausible hope - I mean, most of the new games on there are indie retro-style games. Maybe we'll see some indie developers who like the same shit we do. :-D

To me, JRPGs feel more at home on the Vita. They're not really about playing on the big screen, so much as huddling up with them like a book. But South Park totally works on the TV, naturally. Still, there's a good chance we'll see them more often crop up on there, as we've been seeing them flourish on handheld.

Alternatively, we'll see like how it was on the PS2, with late-developed JRPGs, such as Persona 5 and most likely future Tales games showing up on the PS3. The install base is there to justify production, and with how niche such games are, there aren't enough PS4s in the wild to justify such an expense.
already own them.

To me, JRPGs feel more at home on the Vita. They're not really about playing on the big screen, so much as huddling up with them like a book. But South Park totally works on the TV, naturally. Still, there's a good chance we'll see them more often crop up on there, as we've been seeing them flourish on handheld.

Alternatively, we'll see like how it was on the PS2, with late-developed JRPGs, such as Persona 5 and most likely future Tales games showing up on the PS3. The install base is there to justify production, and with how niche such games are, there aren't enough PS4s in the wild to justify such an expense.
I wish you were wrong about that last thing you said. But I'm sad to have to agree. Here's to hope *arms crossed*, cause crossing fingers isn't enough;)
Still need to begin my play through of Tales of Xillia.
You said this 2 months ago!:p

Speaking of Tales of Xillia, I just beat it yesterday. Got it (From my friends account) the same time everyone got it here (PSN sale) so I was on and off with it these past 2 months. I really liked it though. It was my first Tales of game and it's made me want to play more of these games. I'm going to get Tales of Symphonia Chronicles from this weeks PSN sale for $10. I can't wait for Xillia 2, Hearts R and Zestiria.

As for my next RPG, I have no idea what it'll be. I got about 10 hours into Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen back in January but I stopped playing because I died and lost like 90 minutes of progress. I need to get back on that soon. My other RPG's are Persona 4 Golden (Need to get the true ending), Persona 3 Portable, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Darksiders 2, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Ragnarok Odyssey (Maybe), and Soul Sacrifice. That's a lot! Not to mention I will be getting the new Tales of games coming out and Persona 5. I also want to buy Y's: Memories of Celceta on this PSN sale! Damn you RPG's!!!
You said this 2 months ago!:p

Speaking of Tales of Xillia, I just beat it yesterday. Got it (From my friends account) the same time everyone got it here (PSN sale) so I was on and off with it these past 2 months. I really liked it though. It was my first Tales of game and it's made me want to play more of these games. I'm going to get Tales of Symphonia Chronicles from this weeks PSN sale for $10. I can't wait for Xillia 2, Hearts R and Zestiria.

As for my next RPG, I have no idea what it'll be. I got about 10 hours into Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen back in January but I stopped playing because I died and lost like 90 minutes of progress. I need to get back on that soon. My other RPG's are Persona 4 Golden (Need to get the true ending), Persona 3 Portable, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Darksiders 2, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Ragnarok Odyssey (Maybe), and Soul Sacrifice. That's a lot! Not to mention I will be getting the new Tales of games coming out and Persona 5. I also want to buy Y's: Memories of Celceta on this PSN sale! Damn you RPG's!!!
I know :(
Too many damn games.

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