What's Your Backlog

Especially not when you have all 3 systems.... and a hankering for platinums.

Indeed, you get stuck trying to finish out the trophies of a few games while the games keep piling up. Makes for a lot of games to get through. Not that I'm really complaining, except on the games that have online trophies, but that's a different story.
My backlog just keeps growing, especially with the arrival of the destiny beta. Combine the destiny beta with my bro's kid, and the list just grows. I spend most time starting a game, then just leaving it on the system until i get back to it from babysitting
And on top of that they're re-releasing Ruby and Sapphire (my personal favorites) using the XY engine later this year as Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I'll admit though, I far prefer the 2D games over the 3D ones.

Best Buy has a BOGO deal going on right now for a few games, including X and Y.
Shitty part about that promo is that they are out of stock EVERYWHERE! I'm stopping in to BEst Buy every day this week to check it out, but when we tried to go for it a few days ago, they were already all out of stock at all stores within 200 miles of us.
Shitty part about that promo is that they are out of stock EVERYWHERE! I'm stopping in to BEst Buy every day this week to check it out, but when we tried to go for it a few days ago, they were already all out of stock at all stores within 200 miles of us.
Wasn't aware they were sold out. Have you tried price matching? Walmart and Target will generally price match a BOGO if you have a local ad.

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