Madden NFL 15 First Official Trailer


PSLS Level: Silver
Yes it's only a teaser trailer, but I am pumped for this game. Yes I may get bashed, but Madden is a series I have always and will always purchase day one. Anyone else a big Madden player?

To be honest, I haven't played a madden game since '09. I'm not sure if it's all the football hype out here or the idea of a next gen football game but after seeing the trailer, I kinda wanted to get it.
Of course I'll be getting it day one. A lot of people didn't think there was much difference between PS3/PS4 versions this year beyond graphics, crowds, etc., but I thought the differences in gameplay were actually fairly significant too.
As much as people say it is a yearly roster update, I think there have been good strides the last two years compared to early on last gen. Very much looking forward to this.
Of course I'll be getting it day one. A lot of people didn't think there was much difference between PS3/PS4 versions this year beyond graphics, crowds, etc., but I thought the differences in gameplay were actually fairly significant too.
As much as people say it is a yearly roster update, I think there have been good strides the last two years compared to early on last gen. Very much looking forward to this.
I couldn't agree more. People tend to fixate on the fact that there is a roster update. But there is so much that goes on besides that tweaks gameplay and makes the game more realistic. The series has been making significant jumps lately with releases IMO. People that are going to hate on it though will always do so. Nothing you can really so about that.

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