What JRPG are you playing?


PSLS Level: Bronze
Right now I'm playing Tales of Graces F. Great game, but fair warning it has one of the LONGEST starts ups I've ever seen in a game. You're playing as kids for like 5+ hours and then you go to mostly the same locations again as adults to try and set things right that are now falling apart.

At least there's a huge emotional, story build up. I feel like it has some payoffs already. Though I'm really curious how the rest of the story will play out.

Wish it wasn't T for Teen though. They talk about how deep some of the gashes are, and how injured people are, but there's not a spec of blood, so it takes you out of the moment when that happens.

This is not for casual players though. This game is incredibly deep. Tons of stuff to craft, tons of mechanics to learn, every character plays differently, and most importantly... the way you augment gear is odd.

You combine your gear with some shards, and then you fight till it's tempered, then you combine your gear with other tempered gear, and then you get crystals with the benefits from the shards, then you upgrade the crystals, and then craft them back into the gear until it's like +99

You won't have to deal with that throughout the course of the regular game... but the end game.. yeah...maybe you will.
I picked up Tales of Xillia a while back when the PlayStation Store had it on sale. Still need to give that a look. Heard great things.
Recently platted No no Kuni, trying to stay away from JRPGs for a minute, they take way too much of a time investment.
Playing Lightning Returns, it's not that bad a game really, and was playing Yakuza 4 prior to that. Also going through Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.
Not PS3 but i'm Playing Bravely Default, about 12 hours in. I really need to get back to Ni No Kuni though I don't remember why I stopped playing it but i was like 25 hours in.

I also picked up FF XIII-3 but i think i may return it and wait for the price to plummet.
I haven't got my JRPG kick in recently since I have no PS3 at the moment. Tales of Xillia was a really good game and better than Graces F in my opinion. Ni no Kuni was beyond good!
You haven't missed much. :p
In all seriousness though, the Final Fantasy XIII games aren't that bad, personally I like them a lot more than XII. But I haven't beaten a Final Fantasy game since FFX.

If FFX was cross-buy I'd buy it but I'm not paying $40 dollars for each. I wasn't that big of a fan of X to begin with.

So... yeah... Don't get why they dont' at least do a bundle or coupon if you buy both.
I'm taking a break from them for now, but I would love to go back and finish Ni No Kuni. I also have a copy of Tales of Xillia that I haven't opened yet. That will be the first of that series that I have played.
Right now I'm playing Tales of Graces F. Great game, but fair warning it has one of the LONGEST starts ups I've ever seen in a game. You're playing as kids for like 5+ hours and then you go to mostly the same locations again as adults to try and set things right that are now falling apart.

At least there's a huge emotional, story build up. I feel like it has some payoffs already. Though I'm really curious how the rest of the story will play out.

Wish it wasn't T for Teen though. They talk about how deep some of the gashes are, and how injured people are, but there's not a spec of blood, so it takes you out of the moment when that happens.

This is not for casual players though. This game is incredibly deep. Tons of stuff to craft, tons of mechanics to learn, every character plays differently, and most importantly... the way you augment gear is odd.

You combine your gear with some shards, and then you fight till it's tempered, then you combine your gear with other tempered gear, and then you get crystals with the benefits from the shards, then you upgrade the crystals, and then craft them back into the gear until it's like +99

You won't have to deal with that throughout the course of the regular game... but the end game.. yeah...maybe you will.

I'm at the home stretch of platinum ing it, I've just taken a break from leveling on Chaos difficulty.

Now that I'm done with Time and Eternity I might get started on Kingdom Hearts and get it over with. I have Lightning Returns also but not sure if I want to start playing it now.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn ad infinitum. But really, FFXIV:ARR is more of a MMO than a JRPG from story to design. Bought Tales of Xillia when it was on sale, and still have Kingdom Hearts HD to run through, but Ys: Memories of Celceta was my last title.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn ad infinitum. But really, FFXIV:ARR is more of a MMO than a JRPG from story to design. Bought Tales of Xillia when it was on sale, and still have Kingdom Hearts HD to run through, but Ys: Memories of Celceta was my last title.
I wanna play Celcetta, but I also want it for like $20.00
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn ad infinitum. But really, FFXIV:ARR is more of a MMO than a JRPG from story to design. Bought Tales of Xillia when it was on sale, and still have Kingdom Hearts HD to run through, but Ys: Memories of Celceta was my last title.
How was Ys: Memories of Celceta? Worthy of the current price?
How was Ys: Memories of Celceta? Worthy of the current price?

At $40? If you are an Ys fan, go for it. If not, then wait until around $25 or so. The game has a really good battle system and is fun to play. However, it's been 3 - 4 months since release so the price may start dropping soon. Might as well wait and save some cash.
At $40? If you are an Ys fan, go for it. If not, then wait until around $25 or so. The game has a really good battle system and is fun to play. However, it's been 3 - 4 months since release so the price may start dropping soon. Might as well wait and save some cash.
I'm a fan of the series. But am definitely not against saving some money. I shall wait. :p
I haven't played an Ys title since the SNES days. Is MoC comparable?

The core focus is still there - solve a mystery, have awesome boss fights, listen to equally awesome music. Ys III - V were made on the SNES, III was a side-scrolling action game (and the only one released in North America for the SNES) and IV and V were a little like Zelda with faster combat. Adol was alone in all titles.

MoC speeds up the combat drastically and adds two other party members to switch out on the fly. There's less puzzles, but the sweet boss fights and music still persist. PSLS has a review here, if interested. http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2013/12/04/ys-memories-of-celceta-review-vita/

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