XBox one Struggling?

I don't think they are struggling per se but as others have said they could most likely do better. One of the main reasons I switched to PS was because I didn't want the Kinect forced on me and have to pay the extra $100, that and some of their policies that they have flip flopped on. When they release a Kinectless system at a lower price point I will consider getting one.
Given that the Xbox brand seems to be more focused on the mass marketable side of video games, I don't know that much would change. Amazon could carry that legacy forward with a fair amount of ease. It could impact how the retailer sells PlayStation merch however.
Seeing as how microsoft does more promotional adds then sony and has been bringing in new bargains, like the $349 system with four free full games and kinect.
I don't think xbox will struggle much longer. i never see any adds on tv for sony or their bundles, and they keep using the same bundles over and over and have yet to lower the price a bit.
As it is i've been going back to my ps3 because the ps4 just doesn't have that much to offer, most of it's games are multi-console. If i can get it on my ps3, i'll just go that route since that system has more games on it.
I couldn't care less if the Xbox is struggling, I have absolutely no sympathy for Microsoft given their recent attitude. Because of them who knows if Rise of the Tomb Raider is even coming to the PS4? Plus there's Dead Rising 3 that became an Xbox exclusive. Yeah we got Street Fighter 5 but I'd rather both sides stopped with the third party exclusives.
I couldn't care less if the Xbox is struggling, I have absolutely no sympathy for Microsoft given their recent attitude. Because of them who knows if Rise of the Tomb Raider is even coming to the PS4? Plus there's Dead Rising 3 that became an Xbox exclusive. Yeah we got Street Fighter 5 but I'd rather both sides stopped with the third party exclusives.

It's already been said that rise of the tomb raider is coming to ps as well, it's just a timed exclusive for xbox.
Wait have they actually said it's coming to the PS4? It's just that I'm still worried ever since Phil Spencer compared the deal to Dead Rising and Ryse considering those games haven't been released on the PS4.

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