Destiny Alpha

You could sign up for the 'Alpha' (Don't get me started) HERE, applications have since been closed. The Alpha starts today and runs through the weekend.

On Twitter, it's been reported that anyone who signed up gets in. It's also reported that Alpha emails will go out around noon PST. You'll see some people already in the Alpha, many of those are coming from E3 where they are giving out codes like candy.
Yea...I've already signed up at said website but have yet to get a code. Good to know I should be expecting one around 1pm MST. Thanks Phoenix
I know we received a few codes, so maybe the codes for yall "regular" people will go out soon *evil laugh*
...oh wait, I didn't get one of the codes we got :(
Still nothing yet for me :(

Edit - And as soon as this update I got the email. Yay! C'mon PS4 download it for me so I can play when I get off work!
Yea, but a lot of people are giving away codes. Check the Destiny subreddit, I've seen a few large givaways so far today already.
I'm quite impressed with the... Alpha. Not much content, but still fun.

It contains one story mission, one strike and max level is 8. Took less than four hours to do everything with wasting a lot of time patrolling and killing shit for fun.
Played shortly yesterday, liked what I played so far. Plan to play a bit more over the weekend. Can't wait for more content in the beta, and then the full release in September.
Got Mine. Downloading now.

Just followed them and tweeted them :)
I'm hearing that it's taking quite a long time for them to send keys out now. If you still haven't gotten a key, keep an eye HERE, people are constantly posting keys there.

As a warning to anybody just starting playing, when you get in and you move forward and kill your first enemies, you may notice some stairs that go underground. Don't take them. They'll take you to some level 20 enemies (they're so strong in comparison to you that they're labeled as ??) that you have virtually no chance against. Even at max level for Alpha you can't make a dent in them.
I can't believe some people are throwing in the towel on destiny because there isn't any split screen co op
I get their point, but seriously??! How are you going to say, "You know what? This spectacular-looking AAA game isn't for me," because of no split screen. That's disgusting.

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