Destiny Alpha

Is Destiny going to have any kind of guild or clan system? It would be cool to have a PSLS Destiny clan so we can easily get together and plan game play sessions. Or we could just use these forums :) I don't play many FPS' so I'm not very good at them, but I'm enjoying this one enough that I can see myself putting in a lot of practice!
I'm not normally one for betas, alphas, or "early access" gameplay, but goddamn, I can't get over how good even this early access Alpha is! I can't stop playing it.
In completely on board with you. I usually play a beta for an hour or two, more like 5 minutes if its a shooter. I have spent more time playing Destiny than I have spent playing full retail releases.
Is Destiny going to have any kind of guild or clan system? It would be cool to have a PSLS Destiny clan so we can easily get together and plan game play sessions. Or we could just use these forums :) I don't play many FPS' so I'm not very good at them, but I'm enjoying this one enough that I can see myself putting in a lot of practice!
There is a clan system, it can currently be accessed at along with your Grimiore unlocks.

There was another Destiny thread somewhere that mentioned starting a clan.
There is a clan system, it can currently be accessed at along with your Grimiore unlocks.

There was another Destiny thread somewhere that mentioned starting a clan.

Cool. I remember seeing the message in game about the Grimoire but forgot. didn't think they would have this all set up already.
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This is the most fun that I've had playing an early access title since the beta for Killzone 3. In all honesty, this is better.
all the news and hype i keep hearing about the game from the alpha testers is getting me excited! I can't wait to play the beta. Thanks for sharing your experiences guys!
After a thread on Reddit pointed it out, actually tells you your play time. I'm rather disappointed in myself. I apparently vastly overestimated my time spent, I only played for 10h 37m 15s. I honestly thought it was near double that. Warlock was my most played at 6h 25m 37s, followed by Hunter and Titan at 2h 14m 22s and 1h 57m 16s respectively.

Edit: finally got my screenshots moved. A few of my Guardians and nine rare weapons. Some weapons are duplicates, but different levels.
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I hope that Beta content carries into the final game though. Alpha time spent is wiped, Beta ought to carry over.
You don't feel that it would be unfair to those that won't be in the beta. I'm all for giving beta testers a specific icon (like we did here on the forums), but to allow them basically a head start is a bit unfair IMO. It is a beta after all, the primary purpose is to report bugs or issues before the initial launch of the title, not to level up in advance.
You don't feel that it would be unfair to those that won't be in the beta. I'm all for giving beta testers a specific icon (like we did here on the forums), but to allow them basically a head start is a bit unfair IMO. It is a beta after all, the primary purpose is to report bugs or issues before the initial launch of the title, not to level up in advance.
They could cap it early, but people are also going to buy the game at different times, so someone who buys it in December will be at a disadvantage over someone who gets it on day one.

At the very least, there should be a reward or some kind of unlock in the final game for beta participation so that it doesn't just feel like time wasted.
They could cap it early, but people are also going to buy the game at different times, so someone who buys it in December will be at a disadvantage over someone who gets it on day one.

At the very least, there should be a reward or some kind of unlock in the final game for beta participation so that it doesn't just feel like time wasted.
If you buy the game two months late, thats on the player. At launch, there should be an even playing field for everyone. Someone shouldn't have to be obligated to play the beta so that they'll have an even playing field when the game goes live. A lot of people don't want to play betas because they're often buggy, exploitable and are generally an unfinished product. That said, playing the beta and knowing the quickest way to do things and where to go is often more than enough advantage.

I also hate the 'there should be a reward' thing. I can understand Bungie wanting to give players something as a thank you, but to actually expect it as if you deserve it is beyond me. I've said it on Reddit and I'll say it again here, there is a bit of entitlement there.
If you buy the game two months late, thats on the player. At launch, there should be an even playing field for everyone. Someone shouldn't have to be obligated to play the beta so that they'll have an even playing field when the game goes live. A lot of people don't want to play betas because they're often buggy, exploitable and are generally an unfinished product. That said, playing the beta and knowing the quickest way to do things and where to go is often more than enough advantage.

I also hate the 'there should be a reward' thing. I can understand Bungie wanting to give players something as a thank you, but to actually expect it as if you deserve it is beyond me. I've said it on Reddit and I'll say it again here, there is a bit of entitlement there.
Fair enough, you have a good point.

For me, it's just a reason I never really get into Betas or early access. If my time spent isn't going to carry over in any way, I'd prefer to play something else in my backlog and come to the game when the final version releases.
I really hate Bungie right now. I was just getting over my withdrawal yesterday and then they released this. Yes, I purchased one. Then not too long ago I was browsing the Destiny subreddit and I stupid clicked a video. I'm back into full withdrawal after watching an old video...
I really hate Bungie right now. I was just getting over my withdrawal yesterday and then they released this. Yes, I purchased one. Then not too long ago I was browsing the Destiny subreddit and I stupid clicked a video. I'm back into full withdrawal after watching an old video...
I hate you for posting this.

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